Welcome to NurtureStore’s index of children’s art activities by subject, topic and theme.

Children’s art activities by subject
In this section of our art resources you will find children’s art activities organised by subject, topic and theme. This will help you find great art projects for your children based on their current interests and to fit in with the lessons in your teaching programme.
Including art is your activities, and combining art with other subjects in your curriculum, is excellent for your children. Not only will they develop their artistic and creative skills, they will also be improving their language skills, mathematical and scientific thinking, social studies awareness, and their well being. Art is awesome!
Use the links below to find children’s art activities by subject, topic and theme including apples, animals, calendars, cameras, dragons, fairies, the seasons and festivals of the year, and much more.
This article is part of our children’s art lessons and craft activities.
Table of Contents
Children’s art activities by subject:
– ready-made art curricula
– Advent
– all about me / identity
– alphabet / letters
– animals
– apples
– art criticism
– art galleries
– art history
– autumn
– bats
– bees
– birds
– Black History Month
– bunnies
– butterflies
– calendars
– cameras
– caterpillars
– cats
– Chinese New Year
– Christmas
– colours / colour wheel
– daffodils
– Day of the Dead
– dinosaurs
– Diwali
– dragons
– Easter
– eggs
– faces
– fairies
– famous art and artists
– fireworks
– fish
– forest school
– fractions
– gingerbread houses / men
– Halloween
– handprints
– Hanukkah
– houses
– ice
– International Women’s Day
– Juneteenth
– lambs
– lanterns
– leaves
– math
– mandalas
– mushrooms
– Native American
– Nativity
– Northern Lights
– numbers
– ocean / under the sea
– patterns
– petroglyphs
– penguins
– planets
– plants and flowers
– play mats
– Pride
– pumpkins
– puppets
– rain
– rainbows
– Ramadan
– rocks
– rockets
– science
– seaside
– shapes
– shells
– small worlds / dioramas
– snow
– space
– spiders
– spring
– stars
– summer
– summer camp
– Summer Solstice
– sunflowers
– sunshine
– symmetry
– Thanksgiving
– toys
– trees
– twigs
– Valentine’s Day
– winter
– Winter Solstice
– women artists

Ready-made art lessons, all in one place
The best and easiest way to teach great art lessons is to use our ready-made art curricula.
Choose from:
Art Spark: This kit gives you everything you need to get started with art and develop a rich and creative art practice with your children. 30+ inspiring process art projects, famous art, world culture, practical tips, and endless possibilities! See more and get your copy here.
Exploring Great Artists: This book gives you everything you need to teach an exciting art program inspired by the great artists of the world. With profiles of each artist, materials lists, lesson plans, and creative, hands-on art projects for every featured artist you’ll easily be able to deliver engaging and educational art lessons. See more and get your copy here.
Diversify Your Art Curriculum: This art curriculum bundle of five ebooks gives you everything you need to teach 25 art projects inspired by contemporary artists of colour from four continents. See more and get your copy here.
Color Theory Art Lessons: This curriculum gives you all the resources you need to learn about the color wheel and color theory and enjoy hands-on, easy, creative art projects for every lesson. It includes art history, famous artist profiles, and wider cross-curricular lessons in science, math, language arts and world culture, plus bonus printables and posters. See more and get your copy here.

Children’s art activities by subject, topic and theme
Use these link to children’s art activities by subject to find art projects to match your curriculum and your children’s interests.
Advent art and craft activities
Christian Advent crafts for Sunday School
Use NurtureStore’s Advent crafts for Sunday School to lead four weeks of creative learning in the weeks before Christmas.
All about me / identity art and craft activities
Human figures
Join this art lesson for children to learn about the sculptor Alberto Giacometti. We’ll have fun with a quick human figure sketching activity and then we’ll create foil sculptures of people.
Day in the Life art project
In this famous art lesson for children we will learn about the art of Clementine Hunter and take inspiration from her work to create our own day-in-the-life art project.
Skin colour lesson for children
Celebrate diversity, and learn about adjectives, with this skin colour lesson for children which is perfect for an All About Me theme or a diversity art lesson or as part of your Black History Month lesson plans.
Alphabet / letters art and craft activities
Doodle letters
Learn the alphabet with multisensory doodle letters
ABC printmaking
Try this printmaking alphabet project.
Animals art and craft activities
Cardboard box fish tank
How to make a cardboard aquarium.
Surface pattern cats
Learn about pattern and line in art and draw a cat in the style of Laurel Burch. Includes a free pattern and line art handout printable.
Clay cat faces
These cute cats are fun to make from air-drying clay and can be decorated with paint and marker pens.
Splatter painting with pumpkin and bat templates
For a super fun Halloween art project try splatter painting with pumpkin and bat templates to create negative space silhouettes.
Glow in the dark bat lanterns craft
These glow in the dark bat lanterns are easy to make and look fantastic when they are lit up.
How to make an easy spider craft
Here’s a simple spider craft for preschool that’s great for Halloween craft or nursery rhyme fun.
Bubble wrap bee art
Combine an oil and water paint resist technique with some bubble wrap printing to make a fun bumble bee art project.
Butterfly symmetry prints
Explore printmaking and symmetry with this classic butterfly craft.
Butterfly mobile
An easy to make butterfly mobile.
Paper roll rabbit craft
Here’s a super cute Easter bunny craft idea that’s easy to make and works great filled with little Easter treats or as puppets for some imaginary play.
Word Birds
This creative writing activity invites children to combine art, writing and imagination as they turn a bird craft into the very special homemade book.
Paper play bird craft
Gather your collage materials and have fun making this easy paper plate bird craft.
Play dough birds’ nests
Combine my natural play dough recipe, loose parts, and a free bird puppet printable to explore how birds make nests, and enjoy some bird-themed sensory and imaginary play.
Caterpillar crafts
Three easy caterpillar crafts for children to make with simple materials.
Easter chicks and lambs collage
For this easy Easter craft we’re using collage materials to create chicks, eggs and lambs.
Potato printing chicks and lambs
Here’s an idea that takes a childhood classic and gives it a spring-time twis: we’re potato printing chicks, lambs and rabbits.
Paper plate dinosaur
Here’s a super cute and easy to make dinosaur craft using just a paper plate and a toilet roll tube.
Apples art and craft activities
Apple print garlands
How to make apple print garlands and gratitude bunting.
Apple still life and taste test
Use this printable apple taste test sheet to learn about apple varieties, paint them, and discover which apple is your favourite.
Art criticism activities
Art criticism
Use our ‘how to talk about art with kids’ printable question cards as part of this easy art criticism lesson for children.
Art galleries activities
Art galleries
A free arts education printable. Use these sheets to learn about famous art, in school, homeschool, or when you visit an art gallery with your children.
Art history activities
Art history
Use our Exploring Great Artists lesson plans to teach a full programme of art lessons based on famous artists. Your children can learn art history while making their own art inspired by the famous artists of the world.
Autumn art and craft activities
Easy autumn art activities for children
Enjoy these art activities for children featuring the motifs of the season and the main fall festivals.
Bats art and craft activities
Splatter painting with pumpkin and bat templates
For a super fun Halloween art project try splatter painting with pumpkin and bat templates to create negative space silhouettes.
Glow in the dark bat lanterns craft
These glow in the dark bat lanterns are easy to make and look fantastic when they are lit up.
Bees art and craft activities
Bubble wrap bee art
Combine an oil and water paint resist technique with some bubble wrap printing to make a fun bumble bee art project.
Birds art and craft activities
Word Birds
This creative writing activity invites children to combine art, writing and imagination as they turn a bird craft into the very special homemade book.
Paper play bird craft
Gather your collage materials and have fun making this easy paper plate bird craft.
Play dough birds’ nests
Combine my natural play dough recipe, loose parts, and a free bird puppet printable to explore how birds make nests, and enjoy some bird-themed sensory and imaginary play.
Black History Month art and craft activities
Skin colour lesson for children
Celebrate diversity, and learn about adjectives, with this skin colour lesson for children which is perfect for an All About Me theme or a diversity art lesson or as part of your Black History Month lesson plans.
Famous artist lessons for Black History Month
Try these ready-made famous artist lessons for Black History Month including Augusta Savage, Clementine Hunter and the Gee’s Bend Quilters.
Bunnies art and craft activities
Paper roll rabbit craft
Here’s a super cute Easter bunny craft idea that’s easy to make and works great filled with little Easter treats or as puppets for some imaginary play.
Butterflies art and craft activities
Butterfly symmetry prints
Explore printmaking and symmetry with this classic butterfly craft.
Butterfly mobile
An easy to make butterfly mobile.
Calendars art and craft activities
Easy calendar crafts children can make
These easy calendar crafts are the perfect New Year family activity. Try one!
Cameras art and craft activities
Printable paper camera toy
Download this printable paper camera toy and draw in your own photos!
Caterpillars art and craft activities
Caterpillar crafts
Three easy caterpillar crafts for children to make with simple materials.
Cats art and craft activities
Surface pattern cats
Learn about pattern and line in art and draw a cat in the style of Laurel Burch. Includes a free pattern and line art handout printable.
Clay cat faces
These cute cats are fun to make from air-drying clay and can be decorated with paint and marker pens.
Chinese New Year art and craft activities
How to make Chinese lanterns
Two pretty ways to make easy Chinese lanterns.
Easy dragon crafts for Chinese New Year
Let’s learn about the meaning of the Chinese dragon and make one of our easy dragon crafts for Chinese New Year.
Chinese New Year sensory painting
This Chinese New Year activity takes inspiration from the traditional colours of the festival for some sensory, process painting.
Christmas art and craft activities
Christmas art lessons
Try these Christmas art lessons for children featuring famous artists, interesting art techniques, and seasonal motifs.
Ten days of Christmas art baubles
Join NurtureStore for ten days of fun art lessons to make a set of Art Baubles to decorate your Christmas tree! You’ll also learn about famous artists and try out ten cool art techniques.
Christmas craft activities
Easy Christmas crafts for children for all ages that are fun, creative and use only basic craft materials.
Colours / colour wheel art and craft activities
Color Theory Art Lesson Plans
Use our ready-made art lesson kit to teach a program of art lessons based on the color wheel – includes color wheel printables.
Colour theory
In this easy color theory lesson children can learn about the color wheel, mix their own colors, and go on a colour hunt through examples of famous art.
Paint your own color wheel lesson
In this color wheel art lesson for children we’ll learn how to paint a color wheel using only the primary colors. We’ll learn the rules of color theory to turn red, yellow and blue into the full rainbow of colors in the color wheel.
Examples of famous paintings that show color theory
Teach your children about color theory and art criticism with these lists of famous paintings that show color theory at work.
Wassily Kandinsky colour lesson
Let’s learn about the famous artist Wassily Kandinsky and make our own version of his famous Kandinsky circles picture, exploring colour theory and oil pastels.
Warm and cool colors disco ball lesson
Learn about warm and cool color theory, see how artists use this color theory in their work, and enjoy creating your own warm and cool color study as we make a gorgeous disco ball!
Primary colours art project
Let’s make art with geometric shapes and primary colours in the style of the famous artist Piet Mondrian.
Secondary colours pointillism art project
Introduce your children to famous artist Georges Seurat with this easy pointillism art lesson. We’ll learn about the colour wheel as we experiment with color mixing, turning primary colours into secondary colours.
Monochrome art lesson
Join in this monochrome art lesson for children and create your own monochrome art project inspired by the work of Bridget Riley, Henry Moore, and JMW Turner.
Tints, tones and shades in monochrome
Use this easy monochrome art lesson to teach your children how to mix tints, tones and shades using paint and create a monochrome painting inspired by James McNeill Whistler.
Daffodils art and craft activities
Daffodil still life painting
In this daffodil art lesson we will look at famous art featuring daffodils, learn about still life art, and create our own daffodil paintings.
Daffodil bunting
Here’s a beautiful, simple spring craft – daffodil bunting!
Daffodil pinwheel / windmill spinner
How to make spinning daffodil pinwheels / windmills.
Contact paper daffodil suncatcher
This easy daffodil craft made with contact paper is so bright and cheery. It combines collage with fine motor skills to create a daffodil suncatcher.
Day of the Dead art and craft activities
Day of the Dead skull scratch art
This scratch art technique it the perfect easy Day of the Dead skull art project.
Day of the Dead art project collage skull
This easy collage art project invites children to learn about the Day of the Dead as they create their own sugar skull craft.
Diwali art and craft activities
Diwali activities and crafts
Ideas for Diwali crafts including paper plate diya craft, how to make clay diya lamps, Rama and Sita puppets, and rangoli designs for children.
Dinosaurs art and craft activities
Paper plate dinosaur
Here’s a super cute and easy to make dinosaur craft using just a paper plate and a toilet roll tube.
Dragons art and craft activities
Egg box dragon model
How to turn and egg box into a dragon puppet.
Dragon small world
How to make a dragon small world for imaginary play.
Dragon rod puppet
How to make a dragon rod puppet.
Dragon play mat
How to draw a dragon play mat.
Easter art and craft activities
Easy Easter crafts and activities for children
Here’s a fun collection of Easter crafts and activities for children featuring eggs, chicks, lambs and bunnies.
Eggs art and craft activities
Easy ways to dye Easter eggs
Three gorgeously easy ways to dye Easter eggs, using shaving foam, oil and crayons. Includes a no-dye, mess free option!
What are pysanky eggs?
In this lesson you’ll learn about pysanky eggs, the history of the pysanka egg, and traditional designs. Then you can use the egg decorating ideas to design your own colourful easter eggs.
Easy botanical eggs
Use this tutorial to make petal and leaf prints on eggs, creating botanical eggs for lovely nature-themed decorations for spring and Easter.
Easter egg bunting
How to set up an Easter Creation Station, which invites the children to glue, stick, paint, tear and create to their hearts content.
Grow egg heads
We make these Eggheads with cress hair every year because the kids think they’re so funny. If you get them ready four or five days beforehand they will have grown a full head of hair ready for the Easter weekend – which you can then snip off to enjoy with an egg sandwich.
Faces art and craft activities
Pablo Picasso faces art lesson for children
In this famous artist lesson for children we’ll meet Pablo Picasso and learn about cubism. We’ll look at the way Picasso painted faces and try creating our own Picasso-inspired portraits.
Clay face sculptures forest school craft
Here’s a fantastic outdoor art idea that’s perfect for forest school. We’re using natural materials found in the forest to make clay faces on tree trunks.
Multicultural faces printables play dough play mats
These free multicultural faces printables are great for an ‘all about me’ topic, a Black History Month activity or if you are exploring ideas about identity and diversity. Print the play dough mats and learn through play!
Skin colour lesson for children
Celebrate diversity, and learn about adjectives, with this skin colour lesson for children which is perfect for an All About Me theme or a diversity art lesson or as part of your Black History Month lesson plans.
Fairies art and craft activities
Make a fairy land
How to make a fairy land play mat from a cardboard box or large sheet of paper.
Fairy houses
How to make a simple fairy house to go in your fairy land.
Shell fairy houses
Where do fairies go on holiday? To stay in seashell cottages by the sea! Here’s a sweet little craft idea that turns into imaginary play and storytelling.
Famous art and artists activities
Famous artist lessons for children
Ready-made famous artist lessons for children including art history lessons and famous artist profiles from pre-history; the 18th, 19th, 20th and 21st Centuries; and contemporary artists.
Fireworks art and craft activities
Catherine Wheel firework craft
Make a Catherine Wheel firework craft that really spins.
Exploding firework craft
A fun firework craft that really ‘explodes’.
Handprint firework painting
Go big and make a firework painting using handprints.
Firework scratch art
A less messy option, make a scratch art firework picture.
Easy firework printing
Make a firework picture using a printing technique.
Fish art and craft activities
Cardboard box fish tank
How to make a cardboard aquarium.
Foil fish
This foil fish craft is great as part of an ‘under the sea’ theme or as seaside art. The foil presents children with an interesting material to paint on and you can make a whole ocean full of their designs.
Forest school art and craft activities
Forest school art activities
Use these ready-made lesson plans for forest school art activities to take art outdoors and create art projects using natural materials.
Fractions art and craft activities
Printable fractions colouring sheets
These free printable fractions colouring sheets are such a clever way to help children see the relationships between fractions. Try these STEAM activities to help your children understand how fractions work by combining art and math.
Fraction mandalas
Try colourful circle art to explore shapes, fractions and scissor skills.
Gingerbread/men art and craft activities
Gingerbread printing
Try this gingerbread printmaking project.
Easy gingerbread man craft with template for stapler skills
Use this guide to make your own super cute and easy gingerbread man craft. We’ll create a 3D gingerbread man who’s great for puppet shows or cuddling!
Simple gingerbread house collage craft
Here’s a super cute and easy gingerbread house craft that introduces children to using glue to create a collage.
Halloween art and craft activities
Halloween crafts for children
Here’s a great collection of easy Halloween crafts including pumpkins, bats, spiders and lanterns.
Handprints art and craft activities
Handprint sunflower
How to make a beautiful handprint sunflower.
Rainbow art handprint wreath
How to make a rainbow wreath from handprints.
Handprint Christmas wreath
This handprint Christmas wreath is easy to make and oh so festive!
Hanukkah art and craft activities
Hanukkah activities and crafts for children
Here you will find ideas for Hanukkah lesson plans, Hanukkah art projects and Jewish crafts children can make.

Houses art and craft activities
3D paper houses
This lesson on how to fold a paper house offers a printable folding guide.
Paper house lantern
These easy paper house lanterns are so pretty and lead the way into exploring math and art, where you live, and architecture around the world. Download my free printable house template and customise to make your own gorgeous paper houses.
Ice art and craft activities
Frozen paint
To encourage creativity and sensory play, let’s explore painting with ice.
Ice painting
Have you tried to paint on ice? It’s a great winter art project to try with your children, mixing in some sensory play and science to create gorgeous patterns.
Ice sculptures
Explore freezing, melting and construction as you build colourful ice sculptures.
Melt an Ice Sculpture
Use this technique to make coloured salt and use it to create wonderful forms in a block of ice.
International Women’s Day art and craft activities
Enjoy our art lesson about famous women artists:
Laurel Burch
Gee’s Bend quilters
Clementine Hunter
Yayoi Kusama
Georgia O’Keeffe
Maria Prymachenko
Augusta Savage
Janet Sobel
Alma Woodsey Thomas
Juneteenth art and craft activities
Juneteenth flag lesson plan
Let’s learn about the Juneteenth flag.
Famous artist lessons featuring African American artists
Try these ready-made famous artist lessons for Black History Month including Augusta Savage, Clementine Hunter and the Gee’s Bend Quilters.
Lambs art and craft activities
Easter chicks and lambs collage
For this easy Easter craft we’re using collage materials to create chicks, eggs and lambs.
Potato printing chicks and lambs
Here’s an idea that takes a childhood classic and gives it a spring-time twis: we’re potato printing chicks, lambs and rabbits.
Lanterns art and craft activities
Halloween lantern craft made from paper
This Halloween lantern craft made from paper is perfect for families, classes and groups. It uses very simple materials and each child can create their own unique design.
Paper lanterns
How to make paper lanterns from willow.
Glow in the dark Halloween lanterns craft
These glow in the dark Halloween lanterns are easy to make and look fantastic when they are lit up.
Paper house lantern
These easy paper house lanterns are so pretty and lead the way into exploring math and art, where you live, and architecture around the world. Download my free printable house template and customise to make your own gorgeous paper houses.
Jam jar lanterns
A great lantern craft for all ages.
Leaves, twigs and trees art and craft activities
Flower and leaf printing
Let’s make nature prints using leaves and flowers.
Leaf crown
Celebrate the season in style with this easy autumn craft from forest school – make a leaf crown!
Autumn leaf bookmarks
These autumn leaf bookmarks invite children to explore the shape and colour of autumn leaves, working with watercolour and adding patterns with white and black pen. They make a lovely little homemade Thanksgiving gift too.
Printable leaf colouring sheet
Use this free printable leaf colouring page as an easy Thanksgiving art project to explore pens, paints, pastels and pattens.
Fall leaf art lesson using easy marbling technique
In this beautiful fall leaf art lesson we’re using an easy marbling technique to create unique autumn-coloured prints.
How to preserve leaves in wax and make a simple gratitude tree craft
Follow this easy guide on how to preserve leaves in wax and use them to make a beautiful gratitude tree.
Fall leaf art lesson using easy marbling technique
In this beautiful fall leaf art lesson we’re using an easy marbling technique to create unique autumn-coloured prints.
Printable leaf colouring sheet
Use this free printable leaf colouring page as an easy Thanksgiving art project to explore pens, paints, pastels and pattens.
Yarn-wrapped leaf craft with printable leaf template
This yarn-wrapped leaf craft is a pretty thanksgiving decoration and a great fine motor skill activity for fall. Use the printable leaf template and get wrapping!
Free printable leaf lacing cards for fall fine motor skills
Here’s a pretty set of autumn leaf lacing cards that you can print and use to help your children develop their fine motor skills.
Leaf crown
Celebrate the season in style with this easy autumn craft from forest school – make a leaf crown!
Autumn leaf bookmarks
These autumn leaf bookmarks invite children to explore the shape and colour of autumn leaves, working with watercolour and adding patterns with white and black pen. They make a lovely little homemade Thanksgiving gift too.
Twig weaving
How to weave with yarn on a twig frame
Tree collage
Combine a nature walk with a beautiful tree collage project.
Tree printmaking
How to make a word tree display using printmaking.
Math art and craft activities
Easy shapes collage
A great beginners project, exploring shape, glue and collage.
Math pattern design
Explore colour and pattern with this math and art STEAM lesson.
Symmetry printing
Let’s use a simple symmetry printing technique to make butterflies in the math and art STEAM activity.
Printing 2D shapes with 3D stamps
Explore 2D and 3D shapes in this math and art STEAM project.
Christmas tree tessellation
This is a great Christmas themed math and art lesson about tessellation. It’s great as a whole class project.
Printable fractions colouring sheets
These free printable fractions colouring sheets are such a clever way to help children see the relationships between fractions. Try these STEAM activities to help your children understand how fractions work by combining art and math.
Fraction mandalas
Try colourful circle art to explore shapes, fractions and scissor skills.
Jasper Johns numbers project
Combine math and art for a hands-on way to explore numbers, inspired by the artist Jasper Johns.
Shape animals
In this fun, hands-on math activity children are invited to explore shapes, rotation, symmetry, size, orientation, colour, characterisation, abstract and representational art – all while having fun creating a super cute pooch!
Shape mobile
How to make a mobile from different shapes.
Mandalas art and craft activities
Forest school mandalas
Let’s celebrate nature and create outdoor art with these forest school mandala activities.
Shell mandalas
These shell mandalas are a great lesson in math and art.
Flower manadalas
Combine natural, sensory materials, art, math and a little meditation and make some pretty flower mandala designs.
Mushrooms art and craft activities
Printmaking with mushroom spore prints
Learn about the structure of fungi and use them to create art as we make spore prints from mushrooms. A fun and fascinating nature art and science project!
Native American art and craft activities
Native American artists including the ancestors of the Pueblo, Dakota, Cheyenne, Arapaho, Iowa and Ojibwe tribes
Learn about the Native American art of petroglyphs and create art inspired by them.
Nativity art and craft activities
Free printable Nativity story book for children
This free printable Nativity story book for children is a great way to add a literacy activity for Christmas, as your children write and draw along whilst listening to our simple read-aloud version of the Nativity story.
Free printable Nativity set for children to color
This free printable Nativity story book for children is a great way to add a literacy activity for Christmas, as your children write and draw along whilst listening to our simple read-aloud version of the Nativity story.
How to make a Nativity scene for children
Use these ideas on how to set up a Nativity scene for your children to create an imaginary small world they can use to re-tell the Christmas story. Plus, use our colour-and-cut-out free printable Nativity character puppets to build your play area.
Paper plate angel craft
A cute, easy angel craft using simple materials.
Northern Lights art and craft activities
Northern Lights Art
Learn about the northern lights and create a colourful sky silhouette.
Numbers art and craft activities
Jasper Johns numbers project
Combine math and art for a hands-on way to explore numbers, inspired by the artist Jasper Johns.
Ocean / under the sea art and craft activities
Shell mandalas
These shell mandalas are a great lesson in math and art.
Foil fish
This foil fish craft is great as part of an ‘under the sea’ theme or as seaside art. The foil presents children with an interesting material to paint on and you can make a whole ocean full of their designs.
Patterns art and craft activities
Math pattern design
Explore colour and pattern with this math and art STEAM lesson.
Surface pattern design
Learn about pattern and line in art and draw a cat in the style of Laurel Burch. Includes a free pattern and line art handout printable.
Here’s an easy pumpkin art lesson that anyone can try – we’re doodling!
Patterns and motifs
Let’s learn about the famous artist Joan Mirò and create designs inspired by his patterns and motifs.

Petroglyphs art and craft activities
Native American artists petroglyph lesson
Learn about the Native American art of petroglyphs and create art inspired by them.
Penguins art and craft activities
Penguin play land
Use recyclables and simple craft materials to make a penguin play land.
Paper roll penguin craft
Add this easy penguin craft, made from paper rolls, to our unit learning about snow and ice. They make a great homemade penguin play set for our Antarctica lesson plans.
Planets art and craft activities
Planets painting lesson
Join this space-themed art lesson and use watercolours and flick painting to paint a planet.
My Favourite Planet journal page printable
Use this printable space journal page to write about your favourite planet.
Plants and flowers art and craft activities
Flower manadalas
Combine natural, sensory materials, art, math and a little meditation and make some pretty flower mandala designs.
Still life painting
In this daffodil art lesson we will look at famous art featuring daffodils, learn about still life art, and create our own daffodil paintings.
Scratch art sunflowers
This scratch art sunflower art project is an easy art technique for children to explore and the results look gorgeous.
Daffodil still life painting
In this daffodil art lesson we will look at famous art featuring daffodils, learn about still life art, and create our own daffodil paintings.
Daffodil bunting
Here’s a beautiful, simple spring craft – daffodil bunting!
Daffodil pinwheel / windmill spinner
How to make spinning daffodil pinwheels / windmills.
Contact paper daffodil suncatcher
This easy daffodil craft made with contact paper is so bright and cheery. It combines collage with fine motor skills to create a daffodil suncatcher.
Watercolour flowers
For some pretty spring art for kids, using an interesting painting technique, try these beautiful watercolour flowers.
Paper plate spring flower wreath
This paper plate spring wreath is great for toddlers and preschool. It’s easy to make and ever so pretty.
Spring blossom tree craft
Here’s an idea for a spring blossom tree craft that uses natural materials for some sensory exploring and printing.
Flower crown
How to make a flower crown.
Finger painting flower craft
Such a pretty flower craft, just right for babies and toddlers who love finger painting.
Play mats art and craft activities
Make your own playmat
Use your imagination and create the land of your dreams.
Cardboard box winter wonderland
Turn a simple cardboard box into a fabulous Winter Wonderland for lots of creative imaginary play and storytelling.
Cardboard box fairy land
Ideas to turn a cardboard box in to a fairy land.
Pride art and craft activities
Easy LGBTQ+ Pride craft for children
Make this easy LGBTQ+ Pride craft to explore identity and celebrate who your children are.
LGBTQ+ Pride flag lesson plan for children
Use this Pride flag lesson with your children as part of your LGBTQ+ Pride month activities.
Love is Love bookmarks
Pride book marks to colour in and share
Keith Haring art lesson
Use this Keith Haring art lesson with your children as a Pride art lesson, graffiti art lesson, pop art lesson, and to explore how art can be activism. It’s a quick and easy art lesson that only needs marker pens, making it accessible to everyone.
Handprint rainbow wreaths
Make a beautiful rainbow handprint wreath.
Pumpkins art and craft activities
Easy pumpkin craft for scissor skills
Here’s a cute and easy pumpkin craft for preschool that is great for practising scissor skills.
Doodle-style easy pumpkin art lesson for kids
Here’s an easy pumpkin art lesson that anyone can try – we’re doodling!
Pumpkin marbling with shaving foam
Marbling with shaving foam is a fun art technique that’s easy to do and looks unique every time. Try it to make these gorgeous marble pumpkins for an easy Halloween art project for kids.
Easy pumpkin suncatcher craft
Here’s an easy pumpkin suncatcher craft that’s simple to make and so pretty. It’s a great, simple pumpkin craft for toddlers and preschoolers, and perfect for a group.
Splatter painting with pumpkin templates
For a super fun Halloween art project try splatter painting with pumpkin and bat templates to create negative space silhouettes.
Simple pumpkin art project using pipette painting technique
If you’re looking for a simple pumpkin art project for Halloween, use this pipette painting technique – it’s gorgeous!
Easy pumpkin suncatcher craft with printable template
Here’s an easy pumpkin suncatcher craft with a printable pumpkin template that’s simple to make and so pretty. It’s a great, simple pumpkin craft for toddlers and preschoolers, and perfect for a group.
Pumpkin decorating art party
For an alternative to a traditional Halloween party, try a pumpkin decorating art party!
How to make Halloween yarn pumpkins
This Halloween pumpkin craft is certainly messy play and great fun for children who love to get their hands into everything.
Yayoi Kusama Pumpkin art lesson
Let’s learn about the Japanese artist, Yayoi Kusama, and create pumkpkin art inspired by her famous dots.
Puppets art and craft activities
Paper roll puppets
Here’s a super easy, quick and creative idea for a kids craft that’s fun to make and even better to play with – tea party puppets!
Finger puppets
How to make simple finger puppets
Peg doll puppets
How to make simple peg doll puppets and use them for storytelling.
Rod puppets
Let’s make puppets! In this art lesson we’ll learn how puppets are made and how they have been used around the world throughout history. Then we’ll create our own easy rod puppets using mixed media.
Rain art and craft activities
Painting with the rain
Here’s an unusual art activity about the weather – we’re painting with the rain.
Rainbows art and craft activities
Handprint rainbow wreaths
Make a beautiful rainbow handprint wreath.
Shaving foam rainbows
Explore the colours of the rainbow with shaving foam.
Pointillism rainbow art project
Introduce your children to famous artist Georges Seurat and paint a rainbow with this easy pointillism art lesson. We’ll learn about the colour wheel as we experiment with color mixing, turning primary colours into secondary colours.
Ramadan art and craft activities
Crescent moon and stars mobile Ramadan craft
Create a beautiful crescent moon and stars mobile with this free printable.
Islamic geometric art lesson for children
Let’s combine math and art to create a beautiful geometric art lesson inspired by Islamic art. We’ll be learning about symmetry and creating pictures that include squares, triangles, and repeating patterns.
Ramadan lantern craft with template
Here’s an ever-so-pretty, easy Ramadan lantern craft which comes with a printable lantern template.
Ramadan placemat printable
Use this free Ramadan placemat printable to decorate your iftar table.
Stone cairns
Try building stone cairns: combining natural materials, loose parts, construction play and just a little added dash of wow-factor!
Story stones
How to illustrate story stones for storytelling and loose parts play.
Rockets art and craft activities
Junk model rockets
In this space theme STEAM lesson children can learn about space travel and design their own junk model rocket using recycled materials.

Science art and craft activities
Easy STEAM science and art activities for children
Here’s a great collection of easy STEAM science and art activities for children featuring a range of art and science projects.
Seaside art and craft activities
Seaside crafts
Seaside crafts including foil fish and shells mobiles.
Foil fish
This foil fish craft is great as part of an ‘under the sea’ theme or as seaside art. The foil presents children with an interesting material to paint on and you can make a whole ocean full of their designs.
Shapes art and craft activities
Easy shapes collage
A great beginners project, exploring shape, glue and collage.
Printing 2D shapes with 3D stamps
Explore 2D and 3D shapes in this math and art STEAM project.
Shape tracing and drawing printables
Use these shape tracing and drawing printables and see what you can make from shapes.
Shape animals
In this fun, hands-on math activity children are invited to explore shapes, rotation, symmetry, size, orientation, colour, characterisation, abstract and representational art – all while having fun creating a super cute pooch!
Circle art
Try colourful circle art to explore shapes and scissor skills.
Shape mobile
How to make a mobile from different shapes.
Squares, rectangles and grids collage
Make art with geometric shapes and grids in the style of Piet Mondrian.
Shells art and craft activities
Shell mandalas
These shell mandalas are a great lesson in math and art.
Shell fairy houses
Where do fairies go on holiday? To stay in seashell cottages by the sea! Here’s a sweet little craft idea that turns into imaginary play and storytelling.
Shell mobile
Such a pretty seaside craft for kids, and a lovely memento of a beach holiday: here’s how to make a shell mobile.
Small worlds / dioramas art and craft activities
Cardboard box winter wonderland
Turn a simple cardboard box into a fabulous Winter Wonderland for lots of creative imaginary play and storytelling.
Cardboard box fairy land
Ideas to turn a cardboard box in to a fairy land.
Cardboard box light-up small world
Embrace the dark nights and welcome the winter by using these ideas to make a fairy land light table – wonderful for imaginative, sensory play.
Cardboard box jungle / savannah
Bring in the lions and tigers and make a cardboard box jungle or savannah.
Snow art and craft activities
Frosty pictures
Here’s a super art technique to try with kids that’s just right for winter months: wax crayon water paint frosty pictures.
Salt and glue snowflakes
Explore the gorgeous process art technique of salt, glue and watercolor painting to make beautiful snowflake art.
Wax crayon watercolour resist
Here’s a super art technique to try with kids that’s just right for winter months: wax crayon water paint frosty pictures.
Snow painting
When the weather permits, try painting on snow.
Winter wonderland play town
Turn a simple cardboard box into a fabulous Winter Wonderland for lots of creative imaginary play and storytelling.
Snowflake mobile with homemade white clay recipe
This is an easy homemade white clay recipe that’s perfect for making a snowflake mobile.
Marbled Snowflakes
Use this shaving foam marbling technique with wintry blue colours, and then cut your prints into paper snowflakes.
Space art and craft activities
Junk model rockets
In this space theme STEAM lesson children can learn about space travel and design their own junk model rocket using recycled materials.
Planets painting lesson
Join this space-themed art lesson and use watercolours and flick painting to paint a planet.
My Favourite Planet journal page printable
Use this printable space journal page to write about your favourite planet.
Spiders art and craft activities
Yarn wrapped spider craft
This ever so cute, not really scary yarn wrapped spider is easy to make and offers a great fine motor skills work out for little fingers.
How to make an easy spider craft
Here’s a simple spider craft for preschool that’s great for Halloween craft or nursery rhyme fun.
Spring art and craft activities
Easy spring art activities for children
Easy spring art activities for children including flowers, rainbows, eggs, birds and bunnies, plus crafts for Easter and Earth Day.
Stars art and craft activities
Beautiful math stars
Combining math and art to make gorgeous pattern stars is a great STEAM lesson plan.
Moon and stars mobile
Create a beautiful crescent moon and stars mobile with this free printable.
Spinning star mobile
This spinning star mobile is great for Hanukkah, Christmas or winter decorations.
Star suncatcher
Here’s a pretty and easy star craft that’s great for little kids.
Make a 3D star
Use this math-meets-art lesson to create a beautiful 3D star decoration.
Summer art and craft activities
Easy summer art activities for children
Enjoy these easy summer art activities for children with sunshine, seaside, bees and butterfly crafts and for Summer Solstice and 4th July.
Run your own art camp activities
All the resources you need to run a colourful and fun art camp at home or at school. The NurtureStore Art Camp Kit includes project lesson plans, materials lists, planner, invites, certificates, and stickers.
Summer camp art and craft activities
Run your own art camp activities
All the resources you need to run a colourful and fun art camp at home or at school. The NurtureStore Art Camp Kit includes project lesson plans, materials lists, planner, invites, certificates, and stickers.
Spray painting
Here’s a super fun outdoor art idea from the Just So Festival: using water pistols for spray painting!
Chalk paint
This homemade chalk paint recipe is ever so easy to make and gives a great sensory play material for kids art – indoors or out.
Sunflowers art and craft activities
Scratch art sunflowers
This scratch art sunflower art project is an easy art technique for children to explore and the results look gorgeous.
Collage sunflowers inspired by Georgia O’Keeffe and Vincent Van Gogh
Learn about famous art inspired by sunflowers, including work by O’Keeffe, Matisse, and Klimt, and create your own sunflower art project.
Handprint sunflowers
This handprint sunflower craft is easy and so fun to make, and looks glorious!
Sunshine art and craft activities
Sunshine weaving
Here’s a very simple weaving project to make sunshines.
Sunshine sun catcher easy solstice craft – with sun template printable
Use this sun template printable to make a gorgeously easy sun craft to celebrate the solstice with children.
Sunshine mandala summer solstice coloring page printable
Colour, paint or doodle this sunshine mandala summer solstice printable and celebrate the turning of the year.
Summer Solstice art and crafts activities
Sunshine sun catcher easy solstice craft – with sun template printable
Use this sun template printable to make a gorgeously easy sun craft to celebrate the solstice with children.
Sunshine mandala summer solstice coloring page printable
Colour, paint or doodle this sunshine mandala summer solstice printable and celebrate the turning of the year.
Sun weaving :: solstice crafts
Use ribbon and yarn to make a sunshine
Warm and cool colour theory art lesson for kids
Let’s explore warm and cool color theory and create a night and day art project with our children.
Symmetry art and craft activities
Symmetry printing
Let’s use a simple symmetry printing technique to make butterflies in the math and art STEAM activity.
Thanksgiving art and craft activities
Thanksgiving arts and crafts for children
This is a great collection of thanksgiving arts and crafts, including gratitude activities for children, printable Thanksgiving coloring pages and place mats, leaf-themed arts and crafts, and a native American art lesson.
Toys art and craft activities
Printing with toys
Turn your child’s favourite toys into art with this printing with toys art activity.
Printing 2D shapes with 3D stamps
Explore 2D and 3D shapes in this math and art STEAM project.
Homemade stamps
Here’s a creative and easy printing making lesson for children using homemade art stamps.
Sew a doll
How to sew a toy doll from your child’s art.
Cardboard box boat
How to make a cardboard box boat for sailors or pirates.
Cardboard box train
How to turn a cardboard box into a ride-on train.
Cardboard box play house
How to turn a cardboard box into a play house.
Valentine’s Day art and craft activities
Easy Valentine’s Day crafts for children
Here’s a great collection of Valentine’s Day crafts for children that are easy to make and just use basic art supplies.
Winter art and craft activities
Easy winter art activities for children
Enjoy these easy winter art activities for children about ice, snow, penguins and Winter Solstice, Christmas, Hanukkah and New Year crafts.
Winter Solstice art and craft activities
Winter Solstice crafts and activities
Learn about the Winter Solstice and enjoy art project and crafts to celebrate.
Women artists art and craft activities
Enjoy our art lesson about famous women artists:
Laurel Burch
Gee’s Bend quilters
Clementine Hunter
Yayoi Kusama
Georgia O’Keeffe
Maria Prymachenko
Augusta Savage
Janet Sobel
Alma Woodsey Thomas

More children’s art lessons and craft activities
Use NurtureStore’s extensive resources to find more great art lessons and craft activities for your children: