Welcome to NurtureStore’s index of easy winter art activities for children

Easy winter art activities for children
This section of NurtureStore’s seasonal children’s art activities has ideas for fun and easy winter art activities for children, including art projects about ice, snow and penguins, and crafts for Winter Solstice, Christmas, Hanukkah, and New Year.
This article is part of our children’s art lessons and craft activities.
Table of Contents
Winter arts and crafts about:
– ready-made art curricula
– Advent
– Black History Month
– Chinese New Year
– Christmas
– Hanukkah
– ice
– lanterns
– nativity
– New Year
– Northern Lights
– penguins
– snow
– Valentine’s Day
– winter skies
– Winter Solstice

Ready-made art lessons, all in one place
The best and easiest way to teach great art lessons is to use our ready-made art curricula. Choose from:
Art Spark: This kit gives you everything you need to get started with art and develop a rich and creative art practice with your children. 30+ inspiring process art projects, famous art, world culture, practical tips, and endless possibilities! See more and get your copy here.
Exploring Great Artists: This book gives you everything you need to teach an exciting art program inspired by the great artists of the world. With profiles of each artist, materials lists, lesson plans, and creative, hands-on art projects for every featured artist you’ll easily be able to deliver engaging and educational art lessons. See more and get your copy here.
Diversify Your Art Curriculum: This art curriculum bundle of five ebooks gives you everything you need to teach 25 art projects inspired by contemporary artists of colour from four continents. See more and get your copy here.
Color Theory Art Lessons: This curriculum gives you all the resources you need to learn about the color wheel and color theory and enjoy hands-on, easy, creative art projects for every lesson. It includes art history, famous artist profiles, and wider cross-curricular lessons in science, math, language arts and world culture, plus bonus printables and posters. See more and get your copy here.

Easy winter art activities for children
Enjoy these art activities for children featuring the motifs of the season and the main winter festivals.
Advent art and craft activities
Advent candle printable for children
Use this Advent candle printable to make an easy Advent wreath craft to countdown to Christmas.
Homemade Advent wreath
How to make a homemade Advent wreath, for a candle-lit countdown to Christmas.
Easy homemade Advent calendar
Here’s an easy homemade Advent calendar craft, made using our Christmas scented paint.
Black History Month art and craft activities
Famous Black artists lessons
A range of art lessons for children inspired by Black artists including Clementine Hunter, Alma Woodsey Thomas, Augusta Savage, Esther Mahlangu, and the Gee’s Bend Quilters.
Chinese New Year art and craft activities
How to make Chinese lanterns
Two pretty ways to make easy Chinese lanterns: they’re great Chinese New Year crafts for kids and a fun way to work on scissor skills.
Easy dragon crafts for Chinese New Year
Let’s learn about the meaning of the Chinese dragon and make one of our easy dragon crafts for Chinese New Year.
Spring blossom tree craft
Here’s an idea for a spring blossom tree craft that uses natural materials for some sensory exploring and printing.
Chinese New Year sensory painting
This Chinese New Year activity takes inspiration from the traditional colours of the festival for some sensory, process painting.
Christmas art and craft activities
Christmas art lessons for children
Try these Christmas art lessons for children featuring famous artists, interesting art techniques, and seasonal motifs.
Easy Christmas craft activities for children
Easy Christmas crafts for children of all ages that are fun, creative, and use only basic craft materials. Includes Christmas crafts based on the Nativity, angels, Christmas trees, Father Christmas, baubles, wreaths, gingerbread houses, Christmas cards and gift wrap and delicious Christmas recipes.
Hanukkah art and craft activities
Hanukkah activities and crafts for children
Here you will find ideas for Hanukkah lesson plans, Hanukkah art projects and Jewish crafts children can make.
Ice art and craft activities
Frozen paint
To encourage creativity and sensory play, let’s explore painting with ice.
Ice painting
Have you tried to paint on ice? It’s a great winter art project to try with your children, mixing in some sensory play and science to create gorgeous patterns.
Ice sculptures
Explore freezing, melting and construction as you build colourful ice sculptures.
Melt an Ice Sculpture
Use this technique to make coloured salt and use it to create wonderful forms in a block of ice.
Lanterns art and craft activities
Paper lanterns
How to make paper lanterns from willow.
Paper house lantern
These easy paper house lanterns are so pretty and lead the way into exploring math and art, where you live, and architecture around the world. Download my free printable house template and customise to make your own gorgeous paper houses.
Jam jar lanterns
A great lantern craft for all ages.
Winter paper lanterns
Explore cool colours, winter skylines, and abstract geometric patterns as you create pretty winter lanterns.
Nativity art and craft activities for children
Free printable Nativity story book for children
This free printable Nativity story book for children is a great way to add a literacy activity for Christmas, as your children write and draw along whilst listening to our simple read-aloud version of the Nativity story.
Free printable Nativity set for children to color
This free printable Nativity story book for children is a great way to add a literacy activity for Christmas, as your children write and draw along whilst listening to our simple read-aloud version of the Nativity story.
How to make a Nativity scene for children
Use these ideas on how to set up a Nativity scene for your children to create an imaginary small world they can use to re-tell the Christmas story. Plus, use our colour-and-cut-out free printable Nativity character puppets to build your play area.
Paper plate angel craft
A cute, easy angel craft using simple materials.
New Year art and craft activities
New Year crafts and activities
Here you will find ideas for how to celebrate New Year’s Eve with children, easy New Year crafts and free New Year review printables for kids.
Northern Lights art and craft activities
Northern Lights Art
Learn about the northern lights and create a colourful sky silhouette.
Penguins art and craft activities
Penguin play land
Use recyclables and simple craft materials to make a penguin play land.
Paper roll penguin craft
Add this easy penguin craft, made from paper rolls, to our unit learning about snow and ice. They make a great homemade penguin play set for our Antarctica lesson plans.
Snow art and craft activities
Wax crayon watercolour resist
Here’s a super art technique to try with kids that’s just right for winter months: wax crayon water paint frosty pictures.
Painting on salt and glue
Explore the gorgeous process art technique of salt, glue and watercolor painting to make beautiful snowflake art.
Snow painting
When the weather permits, try painting on snow.
Winter wonderland play town
Turn a simple cardboard box into a fabulous Winter Wonderland for lots of creative imaginary play and storytelling.
Snowflake mobile with homemade white clay recipe
This is an easy homemade white clay recipe that’s perfect for making a snowflake mobile.
Marbled Snowflakes
Use this shaving foam marbling technique with wintry blue colours, and then cut your prints into paper snowflakes.
Valentine’s Day art and craft activities
Easy Valentine’s Day crafts for children
Here’s a great collection of Valentine’s Day crafts for children that are easy to make and just use basic art supplies.
Winter skies art project
Winter Skies
Join this art workshop to explore winter skies through photography, paper cuts, painting, and collage.
Winter skies lanterns
Explore cool colours and winter skylines as you create pretty winter lanterns.
Winter Solstice art and craft activities
Winter Solstice crafts and activities
Learn about the Winter Solstice and enjoy art project and crafts to celebrate.

More children’s art lessons and craft activities
Use NurtureStore’s extensive resources to find more great art lessons and craft activities for your children:
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