Use this printable apple taste test sheet to learn about apple varieties and discover which apple is your favourite.
Printable apple taste test sheets and apple study
Apples come in a huge variety of shapes, colours, and sizes. I wonder which apple tastes the best? Let’s explore a taste test and discover which one we like the most.
You can use the printable apple taste test sheet to record your results, drawing and colouring your apples, and writing or dictating your notes.
You can tape several pages together to form a zigzag book and include it in your nature journal as a pop-out page.

Amazing apples
The scientific name for apples is Malus pumila, and they are a member of the rose family of plants. They were likely the first type of tree cultivated by people and there are now over 7,500 different varieties of apple.
Apples can be eaten raw or cooked and can be used to make cider.
They can have different shapes and sizes and come in a variety of colours across yellows, greens, and reds.
Apple varieties have all sorts of interesting names including:
:: Alice
:: Golden Delicious
:: Arkansas Black
:: Pink Lady
:: Sugarbee
:: Granny Smith
:: Royal Gala
:: Cox’s Orange Pippin

The apple tree flowers with pretty blossom in spring. The fruits grow over the summer months, and we pick the apple fruits in late autumn to be stored and eaten over winter.
They have been a very important food for people in Europe and Asia for thousands of years.
The only native apples in the USA are crab apples. The apple varieties we know were only introduced in the 17th Century when people brought them over from Europe.
The first apple orchard in America was planted in Boston in 1625.
Can you find out which apples grow near to where you live?

Apple Taste Testing
You will need: apples: 3 – 5 different varieties knife printable apple taste test sheet (see below for how to print) paints or coloured pencils pen or pencil

Head to the orchard or the store together and pick out a few apple varieties to try.

Back at home, take a good look at each apple. You might like to use a magnifying glass to get a better view.

:: What colour are the apples, inside and out?
:: What do they smell like?
:: Do you know the names for all the parts of the apple: skin, stalk, seeds (pips), flesh, core, calyx, stamen, leaf?

Take a taste test. What do they each taste like? Can you describe the texture and the taste?

Use your taste testing printable to record what you find out about your apples.
Can you paint the varieties you are testing?
Make some notes about their colour, smell and taste.
Give each apple a score out of ten.
I wonder which apple will win your taste test?

Download your ready-made Apples Unit
Download your copy of the Play Academy’s ready-made Apples Unit and you’ll have everything you need to teach an engaging set of apple lessons.In our ready-made Apples Unit your children can:
:: learn about apples: how they grow, how they’re used, what they look like inside
:: take an apple taste test, making notes and drawing what you observe
:: compare apples and pumpkins using a Venn diagram method
:: make no-bake apple cookies, following a simple ‘recipe’ and using practical skills to make their own tasty snack
:: explore printmaking techniques and create apple print bunting to decorate your class/home

Bonus Apple thematic unit printables
The Play Academy’s thematic units come with practical printables that make the lessons more engaging for your children and easier for you to teach.
No need to go searching for printables to accompany your lessons, they’re all included when you download your chosen unit.
In this Apples Unit you’ll receive these bonus printables:
:: an Apple Taste Test printable that you can use to guide your apple observation and taste test, using words and illustration to compare and contrast a selection of apples. You can use this printable as a journal page or make it into a mini book
How to download this Apples thematic unit
You can download this unit along with over 50 more from NurtureStore’s Play Academy.
If you are already of the Play Academy, you can download this unit straight away from our Library here.
If you are not yet a member, find out more and choose your first unit here. Your teaching is about to get a whole lot easier!