NurtureStore’s Play Academy helps parents and teachers lead a relaxed and happy learning programme.
You’ll have a full curriculum of teaching units, with plenty of choice and variety, all based on an educational philosophy of learning through hands-on play and arts.
One activity a day, that all your children can do together, for ages 5 to 10.
All planned for you and ready to go!
I’m Cathy James, an education specialist with over 25 years experience in schools, homeschool, early years settings and workplace training. I know what it’s like to feel overwhelmed, looking for the right curriculum for my children, and so I’ve made one for you, based on best education practice.
NurtureStore’s Play Academy is the best curriculum for hands-on, playful learning because it’s all planned for you, works for mixed ages, and children LOVE it.

Here’s what you get with your Play Academy membership:
You’ll have a wide range of Learning Units you can use to deliver lessons easily that your children will love.
Our Units cover a wide range of topics, so there’s plenty to choose from and a broad range of learning going on. Your children will love the making, playing, doing, cooking, investigating, storytelling, imagining, and laughing, while you can be confident they are also developing their math, literacy, science, fine motor skills, creativity, critical thinking, empathy, team work, self-confidence, multicultural awareness, diversity awareness, goal setting and gratitude.
Each unit contains five days of learning, all carefully created to build skills and knowledge. The lessons are easy for you to teach and your children will love the hands-on activities. One activity a day means the programme is manageable for you and them, and gives plenty of space in your week for reading, playing and everyday life.
Each unit is nicely presented. You’ll be clear on how to deliver the lessons: you’ll have materials lists and step-by-step instructions for how to lead the activities and full-colour photographs will guide you.
You can start anywhere in the year and with any unit. The Play Academy is designed to be flexible. No child will ‘fall behind’ or ‘miss out’ because children are learning all the time, through everything they do. My cross-curricular programme of hands-on learning builds deep and wide knowledge and skills, as children learn by doing. Over the year they will benefit from a balanced and engaging programme that incorporates a full complement of subjects.
Choose from seasonal Units, such as Autumn Equinox, World Book Day, and Halloween, which fit with particular times of the year and timeless units such as Colour and Fairies which can be done anytime.
Science and Math Units include Space, Time, Weather, Circles, and Ice & Snow. Nature Units include Daffodils, Leaves & Twigs, Sunflowers, and Forest School. Language Units include All About Me, Small Worlds, and Puppets. Art Units include Famous Artists, Printmaking, and Art Camp. Animal Units include Birds & Eggs, Caterpillars and Butterflies, and Dinosaurs. Festival Units include The Nativity, Ramadan, Diwali, Chinese New Year, Pride, Valentines, Earth Day, Day of the Dead, Hanukkah and Black History Month.
You can decide which order to do the units, so the Play Academy fits perfectly with your needs. Each unit covers five days, with one activity each day. You can do every week in sequence or skip, extend or swap any day/week to suit you: whatever works for your needs.
You can choose whether to print the lessons or use them on screen. NurtureStore’s Play Academy is ad-free, giving you a calm and quiet set of resources to show your children. If you prefer to have things printed off, you’ll find each unit is a PDF, so it’s super easy for you to print the whole unit, selected pages or just the printables that accompany the unit.
See a free sample of our Units here.
Take a tour of the Play Academy

NurtureStore’s Play Academy is NOT for you if you want:
:: a screen-based curriculum that you plug your children into because in the Play Academy children learn through doing, making, and playing
:: targets and testing your children have to pass before moving on to the next level because in our programme children are learning at their level, at their pace, and there’s no failure because children are learning all the time
:: your children to sit still and be quiet all day because the Play Academy is all about chatting, making things, heading outdoors, asking questions and laughing
Join today for less than the price of a pizza!

$9.99 / month
full curriculum
all planned for you
wide range of teaching units
bonus printables

$8.33 / month, charged annually*
full curriculum
all planned for you
wide range of teaching units
bonus printables
bonus ebooks
extended curriculum resources
*annual payment of $99.90, cancel anytime
two months free

The Play Academy is here for you if…
- you are a teacher wanting to easily add more play and hands-on learning to your classroom
- you are a teacher looking for grab-and-go thematic units to use throughout the year
- you’re a new homeschooler and feeling overwhelmed by all the decisions
- you’re an experienced homeschooler and you want a fresh, easy solution your children will really engage with
- you’re an educator who wants ready-made lesson plans to free up your time
- you’re back-to-school planning – we’ve got it all planned for you!
- you’re in the depths of February when you’re on your tenth snow day and running out of inspiration
- you’re flagging in May and need to get to the summer still smiling
- it’s summer break and you want your children to still be learning but also having fun
- you want a successful alternative to the ‘teach to the test’ ‘drill-and-kill’ routine and instead want to give your children a best-practice, hands-on, playful education that fits them perfectly and which they LOVE

How it used to be:
Get that feeling of dread on a Sunday when you remember you haven’t got anything planned for the week, trawl Pinterest and YouTube trying to find something suitable, buy an expensive curriculum and find your kids hate it, download a printable and another and another and drown in paper while you try and put together a lesson plan that works, spend half an hour every day logging in to five different sites, worry you’re not teaching the right things, get constantly pulled in different directions as each child is following a different program, feel your heart break a little watching your kids be so bored with their lessons, see your children start to switch off and lose their love of learning, feel constantly overwhelmed by all the choices, always having that nagging doubt of it not being good enough …
And now you have NurtureStore’s Play Academy and your planning is all sorted!
Join hundreds of other teachers and families and make your children’s learning so much easier and happier.

$9.99 / month
full curriculum
all planned for you
wide range of teaching units
bonus printables

$8.33 / month, charged annually*
full curriculum
all planned for you
wide range of teaching units
bonus printables
bonus ebooks
extended curriculum resources
*annual payment of $99.90, cancel anytime
two months free

And now, relax.
Your curriculum is planned. Your children are going to love the lessons and learn so much.

Frequently Asked Questions
All payments are in US $. If you are outside the USA, the amount appearing on your bank/credit card statement will be in your local currency based on the exchange rate applicable at the time of the payment.
You can easily cancel online at anytime. The minimum subscription period is one month, or one year for the annual plan.
Yes. It’s easy to restart your payment online.
For as long as you have an active payment in place you will have access to the materials. If you cancel your payment, you will lose access at the end of your billing period.
Important Information
By joining NurtureStore Play Academy you consent to our Privacy Policy.
All our digital products are subject to copyright and may not be shared or distributed.
very useful
Hello!! Your curriculum looks amazing! Do you ever run specials at any point during the year? Like a 1/2 of sale?
Hi Annette. Thanks for your enquiry. I’m glad you like the look of our curriculum – it is super popular and so practical. We don’t run half price sales on the Play Academy as it’s already such good value. You can take advantage of the annual price offer at any time of the year though – that gives you two months of membership for free. You might like to give the curriculum a try by joining with our monthly membership. You can cancel at any time, and upgrade to the annual membership (giving you those two months for free) at any time too.
What age range are your lessons for?
I have a 2nd grade class and a 3rd grade class I work with. Will this be appropriate?
Hi Jade. They’re created with children aged 5 – 10 in mind so yes, they’ll be perfect for both grades.
Thank you!