My daughter had so much fun making these firework paintings! Perfect for Bonfire Night art and Diwali crafts, here are two ways to enjoy some hands-on, colourful firework art.
Firework paintings
It’s a firework time of year around now, with Diwali on 3rd November this year, and Bonfire Night here in the UK on 5th November – and fireworks paintings are super hands-on fun to make.
We used a big piece of black card for our first painting. It’s good sometimes to have a bigger space to paint, and really be able to stretch out and express yourself. Using card rather than paper when you know the children are going to be really hands-on, is a good idea, as it can withstand a lot more paint.
We covered the floor with some wipeable tablecloths, and laid out some plates of paint. {That cat nearly walked through the paint several times.}
Then it was time for action. Handprint art is such a fun and active way for children to explore painting. My daughter absolutely loves it, and it works really well as a firework-inspired technique, as those colourful fingers look like explosions in the sky.
But why stop there? My daughter loved swirling and swooshing the paint all over the paper…
and patting and banging her hands.
Oh, and did someone mention glitter? Both glitter glue and loose glitter sprinkles were applied liberally. I could see how much my daughter loved the abundance of colour and paint and sparkles.
Some handprints remained around the edges of the painting…
and the finished art work was a glorious explosion of colour and shimmer – her perfect version of fireworks in the sky.
We also tried a different firework technique, this time on a smaller piece of paper. My daughter wanted to explore some more with the glitter glue and sprinkles, and we talked about the best way to prepare the paper, so the glitter would stick to it. She decided to spread glue all over the paper…
and then she used the little tubes of glitter glue to draw out an exploding firework. We really like these glitter tubes,as they’re easy for the children to use themselves – easy to squeeze out the glue and still control where it goes.
hen she set about adding the loose glitter sprinkles. Oh my!
Here’s the finished firework. How’s that for an explosion of colour and sparkle?

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Great idea. gonna do this with children to teach them and keep them quiet!