Join NurtureStore for ten days of fun art lessons to make a set of Art Baubles to decorate your Christmas tree!

Ten Days of Christmas Art Baubles
Welcome to the Ten Days of Christmas Art Baubles project!
We’re going to make a fantastic set of Art Baubles to hang on the wall, string up as a garland or to use as decorations on your Christmas tree. You’ll also learn about famous artists and try out ten cool art techniques.
This article is one of our Christmas art lessons for children. You can find all our Christmas activities and crafts for children here.
What are the 10 art lessons?
Our first five baubles are inspired by five famous artists: Wassily Kandinsky, Piet Mondrian, Alma Woodsey Thomas, Yoyoi Kusama and Georges Seurat. You will learn about their life, see examples of their art, and create your own art bauble inspired by them.
The five artists featured include some from history (1800s, 1900s and 2000s) and alive today. They are Russian, French, Japanese, African American and Dutch. They are men and women and are neurodiverse. All are famous for their creative, ground-breaking art.
Our second five baubles are based on five process art techniques: squeegee scrape painting, wax resist surface pattern, mixed media collage, shaving foam marbling, and printing with homemade stamps. You will be exploring sensory experiences and trying creative experiments.
The projects use basic art supplies and are suitable for all ages.

What’s the 10 day plan?
You can pick and choose the activities you want to try or use them all together as a Ten Days of Christmas Art Baubles project.
You can do the lessons on any day, to suit you.
You can join in as a family, faith / community group, homeschool co-op, class, or even as a whole school project.
Whatever you decide, you can create a gorgeous set of art baubles to hang on the wall, string up as a garland or to use as decorations on your Christmas tree.
Let’s enjoy some creative, community art making this season and deck the halls with lots of baubles!

What resources do you get?
There are two choices for you to choose from:
The best, easiest option is to download the ready-made lesson plans from our membership area, The Play Academy. As a Play Academy member you get access to over 50 ready-made lesson plan kits including our Baubles Units: a Famous Art Baubles unit and a Process Art Baubles unit. This gives you all the lessons, in one place and all ad-free. You’ll also get bonus printables to make hosting even easier: templates of large baubles and smaller baubles that you can print and use with your children to make their designs. Join us here and get the complete kits now.
If you would prefer a DIY option, but no bauble printables, you’ll find links below to individual articles on the Nurturestore site which you can use for your bauble projects.
Want the easiest option? Join the Play Academy here and get all the lesson plans and printables, plus many more ready-made thematic units for the whole year!

How do you join in?
:: Download the lesson plans and printables from the Play Academy or use the links below to DIY individual projects.
:: Decide which baubles you want to make:
- Do you want one art lesson, a few or to do all Ten Days of Christmas Art Baubles?
- Do you want to make one big bauble each or lots of little ones?
- Do you want to learn about famous artists or try out sensory, process art techniques?
- Do want mess free options, with no paint? Do you want to include lessons on colour theory and art history? See below for full details of the projects.
:: Gather your materials. All the projects use basic art materials like coloured paper, paint, glue sticks and scissors, with a couple of extras (shaving foam and squeegees – or you can use thick, strong card). Play Academy members can download large and small bauble printables to use for the projects, plus you get full materials lists included in the Units.
:: Schedule your art sessions at a time and place to suit you.
:: Enjoy making beautiful Art Baubles with your children! And don’t forget to share photos of your art baubles on Instagram and Facebook: tag us, we’re @nurturestore
Which art projects are included?
Here are the ten art bauble projects we’ll be using: five featuring famous artists and five featuring process art experiments.

Piet Mondrian Art Bauble
- learn about the famous artist Piet Mondrian and look at examples of his De Stijl work
- learn about primary colours, composition, geometric shapes, and horizontal and vertical lines
- create an art bauble inspired by Piet Mondial using collage or paint/marker pens
- no paint, mess-free option
DIY your bauble using NurtureStore’s Piet Mondrian art lesson or get the complete ready-made Christmas Art Baubles Units with full lesson plans and bonus printables in the ad-free Play Academy here.

Seurat Pointillism Art Bauble
- learn about the famous artist Georges Seurat and see examples of his art
- learn about colour theory and primary and secondary colours
- use pointillism to create art baubles inspired by Georges Seurat
DIY your bauble using NurtureStore’s Seurat pointillism art lesson or get the complete ready-made Christmas Art Baubles Units with full lesson plans and bonus printables in the ad-free Play Academy here.

Wassily Kandinsky Art Bauble
- learn about the famous artist Wassily Kandinsky and see examples of his art
- learn about the colour wheel, colour theory and complementary colours
- use oil pastels to create art baubles inspired by Wassily Kandinsky
DIY your bauble using NurtureStore’s Wassily Kandinsky art lesson or get the complete ready-made Christmas Art Baubles Units with full lesson plans and bonus printables in the ad-free Play Academy here.

Yayoi Kusama Art Bauble
- learn about the famous artist Yayoi Kusama and look at examples of her work
- learn about contrasting colours and repeating patterns
- explore printing using different sizes of stamps to make art baubles inspired by Yayoi Kusama
DIY your bauble using NurtureStore’s Yayoi Kusama art lesson or get the complete ready-made Christmas Art Baubles Units with full lesson plans and bonus printables in the ad-free Play Academy here.

Alma Woodsey Thomas Art Bauble
- learn about the famous artist Alma Woodsey Thomas and see examples of her work
- use a printing technique to create an art bauble inspired by Alma Woodsey Thomas
DIY your bauble using NurtureStore’s Alma Woodsey Thomas art lesson or get the complete ready-made Christmas Art Baubles Units with full lesson plans and bonus printables in the ad-free Play Academy here.

Watercolour Paint Wax Resist Art Bauble
- experiment with lines and marks to create a surface pattern
- use wax crayons / oil pastels with paint to create a wax resist technique
DIY your bauble using NurtureStore’s watercolour wax resist art lesson or get the complete ready-made Christmas Art Baubles Units with full lesson plans and bonus printables in the ad-free Play Academy here.

Shaving Foam Marbling Art Bauble
- use shaving foam and food colouring to create a marbling design
DIY your bauble using NurtureStore’s shaving foam marbling art lesson or get the complete ready-made Christmas Art Baubles Units with full lesson plans and bonus printables in the ad-free Play Academy here.

Squeegee Painting Art Bauble
- explore a sensory process art technique using paint
- learn how to use squeegees to create a scrape painting technique
DIY your bauble using NurtureStore’s squeegee painting art lesson or get the complete ready-made Christmas Art Baubles Units with full lesson plans and bonus printables in the ad-free Play Academy here.

Mixed Media Collage Art Bauble
- experiment with collage
- used mixed media to work with colour, pattern and texture
- no paint, mess-free option
DIY your bauble using NurtureStore’s collage art lesson or get the complete ready-made Christmas Art Baubles Units with full lesson plans and bonus printables in the ad-free Play Academy here.

Homemade Stamps Art Bauble
- make a set of homemade stamps
- experiment with a printing technique to decorate your bauble with a surface pattern
DIY your bauble using NurtureStore’s homemade art stamps lesson or get the complete ready-made Christmas Art Baubles Units with full lesson plans and bonus printables in the ad-free Play Academy here.

Join the Play Academy for over 50 ready-made thematic units!
NurtureStore’s Play Academy helps parents and teachers lead a relaxed and happy learning programme. You’ll have a full curriculum of teaching units, with plenty of choice and variety, all based on an educational philosophy of learning through hands-on play and arts.
The Play Academy gives you one activity a day, that all your children can do together, for ages 5 to 10.
It’s all planned for you and ready to go!
See everything that’s included with your membership (plus how to get two months for free!) and choose your first unit here.