100 days of summer bucket list
Run your own art camp!
Want to run your own art camp? I’ll show you how! My Art Camp kit gives you a fully-prepped program of exciting art activities, covering three areas: Messy Art, DIY Art Materials, and Printmaking. It comes with bonus printables, materials lists, full-colur photos, step by step instructions, and links to wider arts learning about famous art and artists.
You’ll be able to engage your children in a wide range of exciting art projects, get them off screens, build your connection with them, and encourage them to develop their creativity and artful thinking.
Save time, teach better = download your complete Art Camp kit here.
Want to do it all DIY? Here are ideas for things to make. Things to bake. Ideas to keep the kids busy. Ideas to keep them cool. Ways to have fun. Ways to add in some summer learning. Art, science, play…. we’ve got them all!
10 :: things to make
a ragdoll from your own drawing
20 :: kids recipes
rocky road for camping and picnics
30 :: art ideas
take the cut :: stick :: draw challenge
firework art and crafts for the 4th July
a painting station with no paint brushes allowed
40 :: sensory play suggestions
50 :: math games
60 :: hands-on science experiments
what does it weigh? experiments
toasting marshmallows experiment
how tall does a sunflower grow?
70 :: reading and writing ideas
practice spellings the multi-sensory fun way
80 :: outdoor fun
plant up some crazy eco flower pots
make a green man tree gargoyle
90 :: play ideas
make your own horse riding stables
100 :: play dough magic
make some home made play dough
pick from an A-Z of homemade play dough recipes
ocean play dough (with printables)

thank you so much for this abundance of creative ideas and activities!
I can hardly wait to find a school that I can use them in with the children!
What a fantastic list! I particularly love the outdoor activities, especially the scavenger hunt, with chalked circles. We did something similar at my birthday party once when I was a child, where we all had to find things to match colours we were given, and then arranged them all in rainbow order across the garden.(I would have rather played pass the parcel, mind you….so maybe not a good party-game!)
Please sign me up for the Play Plannet
Hi Amber. You can find the Play Planner sign up box at the bottom of this page https://cathyjames.org/visit-our-shop
Love yr activities…..!
Thanks nicole!
Please could you email me the play planner
Hi Helen. You can find the Play Planner sign up box at the bottom of this page https://cathyjames.org/visit-our-shop
Website looks awesome!!!!
Please email me the play planner thanks.
Hi Julie. You can find the Play Planner sign up box at the bottom of this page https://cathyjames.org/visit-our-shop