This week we decided to make a house -warming card for the girls’ aunt and uncle – a great way to play with maths and make some shape pictures! My daughter loved this activity and was so pleased to make something to give as a gift. And all the while she was happily creating her picture, she was learning all sorts of important maths and literacy skills, without even realising it. Here’s how we made our shape picture…
Make a house :: shape pictures

Magic Fun Math lessons!
Fun Math is an easy to teach, highly effective math curriculum based on play and hands-on learning.
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These are the magic lessons where children really see, understand, and can apply math concepts. They are especially suited to children who don’t like math, lack confidence, don’t understand math the way they are currently being taught, or just want to play.

We started out by hunting for some collage materials to use in our shape picture. My daughter’s favourite colour is orange, so that’s what she chose, and we were able to find all sorts of different textures just by raiding our collage materials box.
When you’re learning about shapes, a good place to start is to make a house – a rectangle and a triangle are perfect!
There are lots of things that happened quite naturally while we were working on the picture, and so many skills and concepts were involved. My daughter was just enjoying making her house picture but at the same time she was:
:: using scissors and cutting out intentional shapes
:: thinking about how she could use shapes to represent the essentials of her house
:: using lots of different two-dimensional shapes including squares, triangles, rectangles, circles
:: turning the shapes and thinking about different orientation
:: comparing sizes and thinking about realistic dimensions
:: developing her pencil grip and drawing skills, to add in extra details
:: trying out some writing and spelling, with a very real purpose
:: feeling pride and a happy sense of achievement when her picture turned out to be great!

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The Fun Math series gives you a math curriculum that is easy to teach and highly effective.
Children love these lessons because they are engaging and fun.
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I’ve done those house shape pictures but a bit differently. I downloaded a bunch of images from the computer on all different kinds of houses. Castles, igloos, apartment buildings etc.
I gave the kids a whole bunch of the shapes and other things to use and they all made such interesting houses
Oh that’s a great way to do it Faigie. I bet my 6-year-old would to try that.