Children are meant to learn through play – that’s their job! Use these fun and imaginative winter-themed invitations-to-play to let them have fun while they learn about the winter.
by Cathy James
Children are meant to learn through play – that’s their job! Use these fun and imaginative winter-themed invitations-to-play to let them have fun while they learn about the winter.
by Cathy James
These winter science activities combine art, play, and imagination to introduce children to the science of ice, the Northern Lights, Antarctica, and snowflakes. Hands-on, engaging science lessons for creative kids!
by Cathy James
This 21-day program is one part educational curriculum, one part seasonal celebration, and one part family memory-making.
It’s based on the natural rhythm of the season and on the extra special activities my family has enjoyed as my children have been growing up.
With a winter activity for each day, this is a connected program sequenced around themed seasonal words. Every day there is something to learn, make and do.
Day one is prepare, day two is welcome, day three is light, day four is cookies… all presented in a useful ebook, with bonus printables, that you can save and use year after year.
Such a blessing at this time of year when we crave ritual, meaning, comfort, inspiration, joy, and family time.
Written by Cathy James, B.A. (Hons), the author of The Garden Classroom.
See more details here or go ahead and buy the book now.
You can buy just The Winter Retreat for $19.99 or save over $90 and get a program for the whole year when you buy the Seasons School Complete Year bundle. Our seasonal best-seller, the Seasons School Complete Year bundle gives you a nature-based curriculum for every season: Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter Forest Bundle at the discount combined price of $182.86 $89 = you save over $90!
The twenty-one days’ activities are all themed around special words:
Bonus printables include:
You can buy just The Winter Retreat for $19.99 or save over $90 and get a program for the whole year when you buy the Seasons School Complete Year bundle. Our seasonal best-seller, the Seasons School Complete Year bundle gives you a nature-based curriculum for every season: Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter Forest Bundle at the discount combined price of $182.86 $89 = you save over $90!
This product is an ebook (electronic book), which means you will be sent a link by email which allows you to download the ebook and all the resources. You should save the ebook file to your computer or iPad and then either read it on screen or print some/all of the pages, as you prefer.
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by Cathy James
Create a super sensory water play treat for your children with this winter sensory bath.
by Cathy James
This Christmas play dough recipe is inspired by the Christmas-flavoured sugar I make each year to go on our Christmas-movie-popcorn.
The sugar smells exactly like Christmas, with a blend of herbs and spices that fills the house with a festive feeling and, as I often have play dough on my brain, I thought why not try it for a Christmas play dough recipe?
Click play on the video above to see our playdough masterclass.
This video gives you everything you ever wanted to know about play dough: how to make homemade playdough with quick and easy recipes; the benefits of playdough for children; and lots of sensory play activities using play dough including playdough math activities, playdough literacy activities, and playdough fine motor skills activities.
Plus find out how to get printable playdough recipe cards and printable play mats. It’s an excellent beginners guide to play dough!
Subscribe to NurtureStore’s YouTube channel to get more gardening and nature study videos!
This article is one of our Christmas sensory play activities and part of our Christmas activities and crafts for children.
Play dough is just fantastic – a super sensory play material that feels good, smells good, doesn’t make too much mess and my kids love it.
It’s great as a calm-down activity for giddy, festive kids, and put together with some Christmas cookie cutters it makes a lovely Christmas gift .
Here’s the recipe with the special blend of herbs and spices that smells exactly like Christmas.
Start by filling your salt with all the Christmas flavour. Take one cup of salt and add:
1. the zest of an orange or two clementines
2. some vanilla pod
3. a good grating of nutmeg
4. three cloves
5. some ground cinnamon
6. a bay leaf
Blitz this with a blender until everything is chopped, mixed and smelling wonderful.
Add two cups of plain (all purpose) flour…
two tablespoons of vegetable oil and two tablespoons of cream of tartar.
Pour in one and a half cups of boiling water…
and some food colouring. Red? Gold? Green? Then mix it and form it into a dough.
Add some extra shine to the play dough recipe by pouring in a little glycerine.
Add a good dash of glitter for some festive sparkle. Knead the dough for a few minutes and then you’re done.
Wrap the play dough in a plastic bag and it will last into the new year.
by Cathy James
Join me for a winter art workshop. In these easy winter art projects we are looking at winter skies and the skeleton shapes that trees make.
This workshop is great to combine with a nature walk, or you can stay home and simply use the materials here for inspiration.