Welcome to NurtureStore’s index of Christmas activities for children, part of our World Festivals Lesson Plans and Activities. Here you will find ready-made Christmas lesson plans, Christmas crafts and free Christmas printables.

Christmas activities and crafts for children
You can use the links below to see all NurtureStore’s Christmas activities and crafts.
Use these quick links to find exactly what you’re looking for: Advent activities, Art activities, Craft activities, Literacy activities, Math activities, Nativity activities, Secular activities, Sensory Play activities, Recipes

Advent activities
Advent activities and advent crafts for children that include a printable Advent calendar with activities, and a printable colour-in Advent wreath.
Christmas art lessons
Try these Christmas art lessons for children featuring famous artists, interesting art techniques, and seasonal motifs.
Christmas craft activities
Easy Christmas crafts for children for all ages that are fun, creative and use only basic craft materials.
Christmas literacy activities
Here’s a great collection of Christmas literacy activities and printables to build reading, writing, spelling and storytelling skills.
Christmas math activities
Learn how to use math centers to manage your classroom and try these Christmas math centers and free printables.
Nativity activities
Nativity activities and crafts for children including a read-aloud children’s version of the Nativity story and a printable Nativity scene puppets to colour and cut-out.
Secular activities for the holidays
This collection of non-religious children’s activities for the holidays is great for those wanting ideas for a secular winter celebration.
Christmas sensory play activities
Here’s our collection of Christmas sensory play activities and recipes to enjoy.
Christmas fine motor skill finger gyms
Here’s a great collection of Christmas-themed finger gyms and fine motor skills activities to strengthen hands, wrists and fingers.
Christmas recipes for children
Great ideas for easy Christmas baking, homemade foodie gifts for family and neighbours, and festive snacks kids can make themselves.