These winter science activities combine art, play, and imagination to introduce children to the science of ice, the Northern Lights, Antarctica, and snowflakes. Hands-on, engaging science lessons for creative kids!
Hands-on winter science activities for children
Let’s combine science with the arts to give our children hands-on, engaging lessons that let them explore science concepts in a playful, artistic and imaginative way. This makes lessons fun, which makes the learning stick.
You can use these winter science activities to explore ideas about snow, ice, the Northern Lights, and Antarctica, using playful, and artistic lessons that offer whole-brain learning opportunities to your children.
Playful, artistic science lessons
Start your year by making this all-year-round nature study calendar to track and draw the natural world throughout the year.
Explore temperature, melting, salt, and ice with this beautiful ice art lesson.
Learn about the Northern Lights and show what you’ve learnt in a piece of art.
Use a penguin small world to role-play what you know about Antarctica. Combining small-world play with science is a fantastic way for children to put knew knowledge into effect, and to practice using new vocabulary. Observing their play allows you to see what they have learnt, without any testing or pressure.
Watch this TEDed video about the science of snowflakes, and then create your own snow pictures with crayons and watercolours.
Play with the science of hockey, exploring texture and friction, in this hockey science experiment.
Join my Winter Workshop and learn about the winter season, and the relationship between the Sun, Moon and Earth at this time of year. We’ll also find out which animals hibernate, and how they adapt for the cold months. See more here.

Everything you need for a winter unit, all in one place.
Click here to get your copy of the complete Ice and Snow Unit.
:: over 80 pages of lessons, activities, and printables
:: a complete unit of Ice, Snow, Arctic, Antarctic, Polar Bear and Penguin-themed science, math, literacy, arts and crafts, sensory, food and play
:: materials lists and bonus printables make it so easy!
:: everything planned for you, so you can enjoy it as much as your children do
:: created with children aged 4 to 8 in mind
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