The perfect snack for a cold, winter’s day – try this easy recipe for tortilla snowflakes!
by Cathy James
The perfect snack for a cold, winter’s day – try this easy recipe for tortilla snowflakes!
by Cathy James
Download the Play Academy’s ready-made Ice & Snow thematic unit and you’ll be ready to lead a project learning about ice, snow, the Arctic and Antarctic.
by Cathy James
by Cathy James
Inspired by the film we’re all crazy about, and packed with lots of sensory play and a dash of maths, here’s a frozen sensory tub that’s been a big hit with my daughter.
by Cathy James
Get great ideas for outdoor lessons and nature activities whatever the weather with these forest school lesson plans for winter.
by Cathy James
Add sensory, hands-on fun to your winter learning with these winter literacy activities – with free printables!