Welcome to NurtureStore’s index of art activities for tweens and teenagers.

Art activities for tweens and teenagers
Art activities for tweens and teenagers can offer valuable lessons about history, society, and politics and give them a creative way to explore who they are and where they come from. Enjoy these art lessons which help tweens and teens develop both their art practice and themselves.
This article is part of our children’s art lessons and craft activities.

Ready-made art lessons, all in one place
The best and easiest way to teach great art lessons is to use our ready-made art curricula. Choose from:
Art Spark: This kit gives you everything you need to get started with art and develop a rich and creative art practice with your children. 30+ inspiring process art projects, famous art, world culture, practical tips, and endless possibilities! See more and get your copy here.
Exploring Great Artists: This book gives you everything you need to teach an exciting art program inspired by the great artists of the world. With profiles of each artist, materials lists, lesson plans, and creative, hands-on art projects for every featured artist you’ll easily be able to deliver engaging and educational art lessons. See more and get your copy here.
Diversify Your Art Curriculum: This art curriculum bundle of five ebooks gives you everything you need to teach 25 art projects inspired by contemporary artists of colour from four continents. See more and get your copy here.
Color Theory Art Lessons: This curriculum gives you all the resources you need to learn about the color wheel and color theory and enjoy hands-on, easy, creative art projects for every lesson. It includes art history, famous artist profiles, and wider cross-curricular lessons in science, math, language arts and world culture, plus bonus printables and posters. See more and get your copy here.

Art lessons and craft activities for tweens and teenagers
After an introduction to art materials and techniques in the early elementary grades / primary years, tweens and teens can develop their art experience with a deeper dive into their favourites. It’s a great idea to take a period of time to study one area so our children are developing both expertise and artistic thinking. Perhaps try a printmaking study:
Printing 2D shapes with 3D stamps
Printmaking with mushroom spore prints
Who am I? art projects for tweens and teens
As our tweens and teens grow into themselves, it can be good to explore the theme of identity through our art lessons.
All About Me Journal Page
A fun journal page to doodle and write about yourself.
Human figures
Join this art lesson for children to learn about the sculptor Alberto Giacometti. We’ll have fun with a quick human figure sketching activity and then we’ll create foil sculptures of people.
Day in the Life art project
In this famous art lesson for children we will learn about the art of Clementine Hunter and take inspiration from her work to create our own day-in-the-life art project.
Skin colour lesson for children
Celebrate diversity, and learn about mixing paint colours, with this skin colour lesson.
Your personal identity flag
Let’s design a personal flag that’s perfect for you.
My Ancestor study
Draw your ancestor and explore your family, culture and community.
Lets talk about art and society
Studying art history and art criticism opens up so many valuable avenues of thinking and discussion. While you are learning about famous art and artists you are also encountering social studies and political topics, learning verbal reasoning, how to listen to others, and find your voice. Try:
Famous artist lessons
Ready-made art lessons about famous artists, art history lessons, and famous artist profiles.
Art criticism
Use our ‘how to talk about art’ printable question cards as part of this art criticism lesson.
Visiting art galleries
A free arts education printable. Use these sheets to learn about famous art, in school, homeschool, or when you visit an art gallery.
Visual thinking strategies
Use this art discussion lesson, featuring work by Henri Matisse, to get children thinking and talking about art.
Art for the holidays for tweens and teens
Don’t stop crafting for the holidays as your children age. Festivals connect young people with their community and culture and help they know who they are. As school and studies become more formal and head towards exams and assessments, the festivals can punctuate the year with a time of rest, celebration and well-being. High days and holidays can be a time to come together, as break from other responsibilities and pressure, for a jolly crafternoon.
NurtureStore’s guide to seasonal art activities has ideas for arts and crafts for all the main festivals including:
Christmas art lessons for children
Day of the Dead activities and crafts
Hanukkah activities and crafts for children

More children’s art lessons and craft activities
Use NurtureStore’s extensive resources to find more great art lessons and craft activities for your children: