This ‘My Ancestor’ family tree lesson plan printable will guide you through an exploration of family, culture and community. It is a great lesson to include as part of an ‘All About Me’ topic and is part of the Day of the Dead unit lessons plans.
My Ancestor family tree lesson plan printable
The Day of the Dead is celebration of family and friends who have died. The festival offers us the opportunity to talk with our children about their ancestors, and life and death, in an empathic, joyful, supportive way. We can introduce ideas about big issues with a light touch, to start conversations that empower our children to connect with their past and to prepare them for the future.
Materials needed:
:: My Ancestor journal page from the Day of the Dead Unit lessons plans
:: pens and pencils
:: ancestor photograph (optional)
When getting ready to teach about the Day of the Dead it is important to have an understanding of our children’s family experience, especially so when working with a class or group of children who will all have unique heritage. Issues including bereavement, adoption, and immigration can all be very significant in a child’s family. It is always good to talk with a child’s parents or guardians ahead of any project about families, so we can honour and support the whole family.
Use the My Ancestor journal page from the Day of the Dead Unit lessons plans to begin a conversation about your children’s families.
The prompts will guide you through an exploration of family, culture and community.

Download your Day of the Dead Unit
Let's raise our kids as knowledgeable, global citizens with a multi-cultural education. The Day of the Dead toolkit gives you everything you need to learn about this special festival.
With fun activities, lesson plans, and super useful printables you will transform your space into a celebration of the Day of the Dead through math, literacy, art, craft, sensory, food, and film.
:: over 35 pages of lessons, activities, and printables
:: a complete unit of Day of the Dead-themed math, literacy, arts and crafts, sensory, food and film
:: materials lists and bonus printables make it so easy!
:: everything planned for you, so you can enjoy it as much as your children do.
Click here to see more and get your kit.