Wondering how to keep kids entertained and not fall behind when you’re stuck at home? I’ve got you covered!
Here’s a whole program of simple play ideas you can do at home, using stuff you already have, to stop kids getting bored and still give you time to get on with other things.
20 days & more of screen free activities you can do at home with kids
Hello and welcome to NurtureStore! If you’re new here, think of me as your teaching fairy godmother.
I’ve got just what you need to keep your kids entertained when you’re stuck at home.
Here’s a program of 20+ days of screen free, simple play activities that use simple materials and things you already have at home.
You don’t need to be a teacher to do the activities.
You don’t need to spend loads of money.
And, you will be able to do other things too – whether that’s work, chores, or time for yourself.
Simple play packed with learning
The activities are all based on simple play ideas but they’re also all packed with brilliant educational benefits.
This means you can keep your kids busy, they’ll be having fun, and they won’t fall behind.
In fact, you’ll find these activities:
:: boost their creativity
:: encourage curiosity
:: develop independent play
:: help with problem solving
:: build language, math, and science skills
Use all my free printables
NurtureStore has a brilliant library of free printables covering a wide range of topics including math, literacy, nature, play, and art. They’re super fun and super practical and let you set up activities in minutes. You definitely want to sign-up to this resource!
To download our printables, follow the instructions at the bottom of this post (in the section headed ‘How to get our free printables‘).
How to use the ideas
You don’t have to follow the ideas in sequence – pick whichever ones appeal. And if your children really enjoy one idea you can repeat it for as long as they like.
Click through on each link to find a few simple ideas for each activity theme.
You’ll find details of the simple materials you’ll need – which you’ll most likely already have.
I’ve included a variety of ideas for each theme, so you’ll find something just right for your kids.
The variety of ideas also means, if you’re stuck in for a longer period of time, you can loop back through the links and still have fresh options to choose from.
20+ days of screen free play activities
OK, here we go: magic activities, all planned and prepped for you.
Whether your self-isolating, snowed in, or on a break from school, dive in, try the ideas, and have fun!
1. water play
2. ice play
3. paint
4. build a den
5. glue
6. loose parts
7. small worlds
8. treasure hunt
9. nature walk
10. play dough
11. baking
12. puppets
13. story books
14. role play and dressing up
15. sensory tubs
16. big roll of paper
17. cardboard box
18. chalk
20. junk models
All-planned-and-prepped-for-you teaching programmes
Want more of a print-and-teach curriculum for your children? Head to the NurtureStore shop to download all-planned and prepped teaching kits for a wide range of engaging topics.
How to get our free printables
To download my free printables, you'll need to visit the NurtureStore Printables Library, which is available to all subscribers to my email list, and of course to Play Academy members.
Pop your email address in the form below and you’ll get access to all my free printables, lesson plans, activity ideas, weekly newsletter, and a whole lot more!
After subscribing, be sure to check for the confirmation email. After you confirm your email subscription, we'll send you a welcome email which includes instructions for downloading our free printables.
If you're already subscribed to our email newsletter: check your email for the latest edition of the newsletter where you’ll find a link to access our free printables library - the link is usually at the bottom of the email.
For help accessing our printables, click here.
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