Welcome to five days of learning about eggs and birds.
Five days of eggs and birds
NurtureStore hosts regular themed weeks of sensory play, giving you ideas, activities, and printables all year round.
This week our focus is on learning about eggs and birds.
You might like to pick just one of these ideas to enjoy or offer all five over the course of your week.
A themed-week lets children make connections between one idea and another, one material and another, one experience and another.
With a range of linked activities, children are able to compare and contrast, see how things are the same and what’s different – young scientists and creatives in the making.
Coming back to a theme over consecutive days gives time and space for ideas to brew, and the repetition helps children find depth and meaning.
Day One :: learning about eggs and birds
One Day one of our bird week, let’s learn about eggs and birds and set up a discovery table.
If you have an egg you can investigate it and learn what eggs are.
And use these ideas to set up a bird discovery table full of hands-on resources to explore.
Day Two :: bird watching
On Day Two of our eggs and birds unit, let’s do some bird watching.
Sit by your window or in the yard for five or ten minutes and see which birds are around in your neighbourhood.
:: how many birds are around?
:: what do the look like?
:: can you hear them? What do they sound like?
You might might to make a bird feeder for your garden, balcony or window ledge.
Print these journal pages and use them to sketch the birds you see, and then add them to your nature journal.
Day Three :: bird crafts
Let’s make bird crafts for Day Three of our bird week. You can use simple materials in a variety of ways to make your own bird:
:: make paper plate birds (use circles of card if you don’t have a paper plate)
:: or decorate eggs
Day Four :: play dough nests
We can’t have a sensory week without play dough! Let’s see if we can make play dough nests.
You can use this easy no-cook play dough recipe, combine it with loose parts and my free bird puppet printable to explore how birds make nests, and enjoy some bird-themed sensory and imaginary play.
Day Five :: storytelling with birds
For our final day of our bird unit, let’s use everything we’ve learned this week to create stories about birds.
Maybe you’ll learn what found out about eggs, maybe you’ll be inspired by the birds you saw on our bird watching day, maybe you’ll remember what it was like when you tried to build a play dough nest.
Combine all your sensory experiences of the week and create a bird story.
You can use a bird storytelling tin to share a tale.
Or you might like to make word birds.
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