These printable play dough mats are a super sensory way for children to practice spelling.
Printable play dough mats for spelling practice
Use this printable spelling mat to practice spellings, three ways.
The mats make a great addition to a literacy center. You can also use them as part of a finger gym, as manipulating play dough and other loose parts is a great workout for fine motor skills.
Need some play dough? This is my favourite easy no-cook play dough recipe.
How to use this printable
Print the spelling mats (see below). You can laminate them for extra durability if you wish.
Set the mats out with play dough, or other loose parts, for your children to use to build their words: pipe cleaners, small blocks, buttons etc.
Super sensory spelling practice
Children encounter their word in three ways with these mats, using their senses of sight, hearing, and touch.
Say your word
First, have your children pick a word card, or write a word for them, in the ‘say it’ box and invite your child to read their word out loud.
Write your word
In the ‘write it’ box they can write out their word along the dotted line.
Make your word
Finally, they can build their word in the ‘make it’ box, using their choice of material.
These spelling mats can also be sent home with weekly spelling lists so children can show their parents or guardians how good they are at making words.
Multi-sensory spelling techniques help children learn
You’ll find that different children learn to spell in different ways. By offering a variety of multi-sensory ways to see, write, and encounter words we are supporting children to learn:
:: in a playful, relaxed way
:: in a hands-on way to better help the learning stick: what we do, we remember
:: in a range of ways so that we can cater for as many different learning styles as our children have
:: and with lots of fun variety so that they can get the benefit of repetition, without boredom
More hands-on spelling activities
Add these other fun, hands-on ways to learn spellings to your rotation too:
:: gross motor spelling activities
:: printable dinosaur alphabet
:: fill in the letter spelling sheets

Get The Beginner's Guide To Play Dough
Every childhood needs play dough! It’s the perfect sensory play material and lets your children build vital math, literacy, and fine motor skills, all through play.
That's why I've created two practical resources that you can use to bring more play to your classroom and home.
The Homemade Play Dough Recipe Book is the perfect beginner’s guide to making, playing, and learning with play dough. This practical book will give you easy homemade play dough recipes PLUS 52 play dough activities that incorporate sensory play, fine motor skills, math, literacy, and imagination.
The Amazing Play Dough Printables Pack gives you a whole year of play dough printables. With 180 pages and over 50 themes and topics. No hassle, no planning, you’ll always have an activity on hand. Simply print, add play dough, and play!
Click here to see more of The Homemade Play Dough Recipe Book.
Click here to see more of The Amazing Play Dough Printables Pack.
There's even a special bonus offer if you want to get the complete set!

How to get this playdough mat printable
To get all 180 play dough mats, click here to get your copy of The Amazing Play Dough Printables Pack.
If you only want this one play dough mat, you can subscribe to my email list and have it as a free gift.
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