This easy no-cook gingerbread play dough recipe is great for fine motor skills activities and sensory play, and smells wonderful!

Easy no cook Gingerbread play dough recipe
It takes just minutes to mix up this easy non-cook gingerbread playdough but it will last for hours and hours of play!
This project is part of our Christmas sensory play activities.
In this article you can:
:: get an easy recipe to make homemade gingerbread playdough
:: see how to use the gingerbread play dough for fine motor skills activities and storytelling skills
:: get ideas for more gingerbread themed lessons and activities

The Homemade Play Dough Recipe Book
Love playdough? Get The Homemade Play Dough Recipe Book and you’ll have a whole year’s worth of play dough recipes, play ideas, and educational activities to enjoy! See more details and get your copy here.

Materials needed
:: all purpose / plain flour
:: table salt
:: vegetable oil
:: cream of tartar (optional)
:: orange / brown food colouring
:: ground ginger

Easy gingerbread play dough recipe
Adapted from our basic non-cook play dough recipe, this gingerbread version is very easy to make.
Take a large bowl and add:
:: 2 cups flour
:: 1 cup salt
:: 2 tablespoons vegetable oil
:: 2 tablespoons cream of tartar (optional)
Add in a teaspoon of ground ginger spice.
Then boil the kettle and pour 1 1/2 cups of the water into your mixture. Add in any orange / brown food colouring at this stage so it mixes evenly through the dough.
Finally, mix the ingredients together to form a dough and you are ready to play.
Have you got children who put everything in their mouth? Use our no-salt play dough recipe instead.

How to use this playdough
This flavour of play dough pairs perfectly with our gingerbread theme play dough mat printables.
And you can use it in this Gingerbread Man storytelling activity.
Combine it with our Christmas themed spelling mat to make a literacy centre.
See all our gingerbread themed activities here including a ready-made Gingerbread Man Unit.
See our full index of play dough recipes and activities.

More Christmas activities and crafts
See our full index of Christmas activities and crafts for even more great ideas for your children.