Play dough is a great material for sensory play, but have you ever used it for storytelling? Here’s an idea for combining playdough and fairy tales.
Storytelling with play dough
Watch our Playdough Masterclass
Click play on the video above to see our playdough masterclass.
This video gives you everything you ever wanted to know about play dough: how to make homemade playdough with quick and easy recipes; the benefits of playdough for children; and lots of sensory play activities using play dough including playdough math activities, playdough literacy activities, and playdough fine motor skills activities.
Plus find out how to get printable playdough recipe cards and printable play mats. It’s an excellent beginners guide to play dough!
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Play dough is such a versatile material, and a great thing about combining it with pretend play is that children can mould the dough to be anything they want.
Combined with a few props to hint at a favourite fairy tale, you can use play dough for storytelling and imaginative play, helping them practise recalling and recounting a tale, and developing their use of language.

To set the scene for a gingerbread man activity, all you need is some gingerbread play dough, a gingerbread man-shaped cookie cutter, maybe a house one too, and a pencil.

You can shape the dough, or use the cookie cutter, to make a little gingerbread man, adding in details with a pencil.

We happen to have a house-shaped cookie cutter, but my daughter also enjoyed making her own house from square, triangle and rectangle tiles of play dough with windows drawn on with her pencil.

Then you’re ready for some storytelling. You might like to re-tell the traditional gingerbread man story, or add some funny twists and turns of your own.

Download the complete Gingerbread Unit
A deliciously educational unit of learning! The Gingerbread Unit gives you everything you need to teach an engaging program of activities all based around The Gingerbread Man.
With ideas for math, literacy, science, play, sensory, arts and crafts your children will love learning through baking, play, and exploration.
:: over 45 pages of lessons, activities, and printables
:: a complete unit of gingerbread-themed math, science, literacy, arts and crafts, sensory, and play
:: materials lists and bonus printables make it so easy!
:: everything planned for you, so you can enjoy it as much as your children do
:: fun and delicious, and packed with engaging learning