Here’s a free printable Christmas spelling mat that you can add to your literacy centers for the holidays.

Christmas spelling mat free printable
Help your children learn to read, write and spell with this multi-sensory Christmas-themed spelling mat.
This project is part of our Christmas literacy activities.
In this article you can:
:: download a free Christmas spelling mat printable
:: get ideas for how to use the spelling mat to support literacy
:: find more ideas for Christmas literacy activities

Materials needed
:: Christmas spelling mat printable (see below for details on how to print)
:: pen / pencil / wipeable markers
:: play dough or pipe cleaners (also called chenille stems or craft sticks)

How to use the Christmas spelling mat
To make a reusable spelling mat you can laminate the printable and use it with wipeable marker pens.
Set the Christmas spelling mat out along with our Christmas tree alphabet cards or our Christmas bauble sight word cards.
Invite your children to pick a card, place it in the ‘say’ box, and read the letter / word out loud.
Then use a pen / pencil to copy the letter/ word in the ‘write’ box.

Finally, use play dough (try our candy cane play dough recipe or our gingerbread play dough recipe ) or pipe cleaners or letter-shaped fridge magnets to make letters to spell out your letter/ word in the ‘make’ box. This adds an extra sensory element to the practice, making it more memorable – and fun!

More Christmas themed literacy activities
Add a holiday theme all around your classroom with these Christmas themed literacy activities:
:: Christmas sensory writing tray
:: Christmas bauble sight word activity with free printable
:: Christmas tree upper and lower case alphabet activities with free printable
:: write your own Nativity book with free printable
:: letter to santa writing activity with free printable

More Christmas activities and crafts
See our full index of Christmas activities and crafts for even more great ideas for your children.