Celebrate the 5th of November with these easy Bonfire Night crafts, art lessons, play ideas and recipes children can make.

Easy Bonfire Night crafts and recipes for children
Enjoy this collection of easy Bonfire Night crafts, firework art lessons and tasty recipes.
This article is part of our World Festivals lesson plans and activities.

What is Bonfire Night?
Bonfire Night, or Guy Fawkes Night, is celebrated in Britain on 5th November.
It remembers how, in 1605 a group of men lead by Guy Fawkes tried and failed to blow up the Houses Of Parliament in London. The Houses of Parliament, made up of the House of Lords and the House of Commons, is where the laws governing British life are debated and passed.
Today it is often celebrated as a community event, to bring light to the dark winter evenings.
How is Bonfire Night celebrated in the UK?
Families, neighbours, community groups and towns and cities host celebrations on 5th November.
Traditionally, a bonfire is prepared and lit. Around the bonfire people gather and enjoy warming food and drinks.
Fireworks are light and the community enjoys watching the display in the night sky.
Bonfire Night rhyme
Sharing songs and rhymes with children is an excellent way to develop their language skills. The traditional rhyme recited on Bonfire Night begins:
Remember, remember, the 5th of November,
Gunpowder, treason and plot.
I see no reason
Why gunpowder treason
Should ever be forgot.

Bonfire Night crafts and activities
Catherine Wheel firework craft
Make a Catherine Wheel firework craft that really spins.
Exploding firework craft
A fun firework craft that really ‘explodes’.
Handprint firework painting
Go big and make a firework painting using handprints.
Firework scratch art
A less messy option, make a scratch art firework picture.
Easy firework printing
Make a firework picture using a printing technique.
Blow painting firework art
Try this blow painting technique to create are firework picture.
Firework play dough
For a sensory play activity for Bonfire Night, make play dough fireworks.

Easy Bonfire Night recipes children can make
How to make edible sparklers
Make edible sparkles using chocolate finger biscuits or breadsticks.
Firework biscuits
An easy recipe to make biscuits with firework decorations.
Easy vegetable soup
This vegetable soup recipe is very easy to make and can be customised the whatever vegetables you have. It’s a great community recipe to feed lots of people, and a warm dish to enjoy while watching the fireworks.
Easy chocolate flapjack recipe
A traditional treat for Bonfire Night, with added chocolate chips!
Easy rocky road recipe
This rocky road recipe is easy to make, adaptable to suit your tastes, and portable, making it great to take to community events.

More world festival lesson plans and activities
See our full resources for world festival lessons plans and activities here.