Here’s a super fun outdoor art idea from the Just So Festival: using water pistols for spray painting!
by Cathy James
Here’s a super fun outdoor art idea from the Just So Festival: using water pistols for spray painting!
by Cathy James
Add a burst of summer sunshine to your sensory play with this idea for how to make scented paint.
by Cathy James
For day three of our at-home, screen free activities series, we’re taking a cue from a report in the US that opportunities for art can have a dramatic and positive effect on children’s academic performance, and we’re all about: paint!
by Cathy James
Colourful, scented, sticky and fun: we’re learning scissor skills with jelly sensory play.
by Cathy James
This yarn painting process art idea is a great sensory project, combining the texture of the yarn with colorful paints. It’s one of the techniques you can explore in my new Art Spark resources.
by Cathy James
Of all the playdough recipe variations we make I think this chocolate playdough recipe smells the best!