This yarn painting process art idea is a great sensory project, combining the texture of the yarn with colorful paints. It’s one of the techniques you can explore in my new Art Spark resources.
Yarn painting process art for kids
Materials needed :
yarn, wool or string
To begin your yarn painting, cut your yarn into small lengths and dip the pieces into paints.
Then place the yarn down on paper, twisting and overlapping the threads. Yarn painting is a very sensory process and you can enjoy the feel of the paint and yarn and have fun getting your fingers messy.
Press the yarn gently down on to the paper with your fingers to make a print, and then peel off the yarn to reveal your design.
Alternatively, leave the yarn in place and allow the paint to dry, creating a mixed media work of both yarn and paint. You can add a little white glue to the paint to help it adhere.
Or place a second piece of paper over the top of your yarn, press down to make a print, and then carefully peel back the paper to reveal your mono print.
Yarn art variations to try
All the projects in the Art Spark ebook and online art course come with suggested variations. This makes it easy for you to adapt the projects to suit your children’s interests. You can vary the projects to suit the ages of your children, and dive deeper into techniques that they especially enjoy.
There are many different ways to use yarn. You could:
:: wrap yarn around a roller, brayer or rolling pin to make a roller print
:: use yarn to make stamps
:: explore images of art bombing and give it a try
:: wrap yarn around twigs to make magic wands or ojo de dios
:: try weaving your yarn around old CDs, or cut notches around the edge of a paper plate to create a weaving frame
Famous yarn art in focus
Explore the yarn art of the Huichol people of Mexico, who create designs by pressing yarn and beads into boards coated with wax and resin.
Many of the art projects in the Art Spark resource have links to famous art that use techniques and styles similar to the ones your children will explore, allowing them to learn about world art and dive deeper into their art exploration.