Here’s a favourite process art idea: reverse printing painting.
by Cathy James
by Cathy James
These color mixing activities with shaving foam are super for some hands-on sensory learning.
by Cathy James
The messiest, most popular program of outdoor and process art to use at home or at school. Welcome to Art Camp!
by Cathy James
Winter’s on the way – time to break out the snow playdough recipe.
Based our our favourite no cook play dough recipe, this snow version has one important variation: we use corn flour instead of regular flour, to get a much whiter dough. And of course we added lots of sliver glitter to give a frosty sparkle to the dough.
by Cathy James
Super quick set up, and lots of fun to play with. This vegetable sensory play tub is perfect for some Fast Fun Play, especially at dinner prep time, when you have a little helper in your kitchen.
by Cathy James
Today we’re enjoying some midsummer messy play with a sunshine sensory tub!
Click to play on the video above to see our sensory tub masterclass. You’ll learn how to make a sensory tub for your children using simple materials, the benefits of sensory tubs for children, and how to use a sensory tub to teach children about math, literacy, science and fine motor skills.
You’ll also see lots of ideas for sensory tub fillings plus find out how to get great printables to add to your tubs. Subscribe to NurtureStore’s YouTube channel to get more sensory play videos!
Messy play always brings a smile in our house, so we thought we’d add a little midsummer fun with a sensory tub full of sunshine colours.
I often lay out a cloth or towel when we’re setting up a messy play area, as it seems to work well to concentrate the mess in one area, and it makes clean up that much easier – just gather up the cloth and pour any stray materials back into the tub.
Today we used a gorgeous orange and gold piece of fabric.
You don’t often need to buy in things especially for a sensory tub – just use what you have.
We’ve talked recently about how important it is to have lots of loose parts available for children to use in their play, so today I just sent the kids off to hunt out anything sunshine coloured.
They found tubs, cups, cookie cutters, bottle tops and lids, paper plates and a big sponge.
I filled the tub with lemon scented rice, yellow split peas and some oricchiette pasta (left over from our autumn play dough trees).
This gave a great combination of textures to the sensory play and as all the materials are dry and uncooked, we can store them away at the end of the playing and re-use them many times.
You never know quite how the children will play with a sensory tub.
At first they often like to simply scoop and pour the materials, to enjoy the feel and sound of it.
Very often their little animal characters will make an appearance…
but today they were full of surprises, and set up ‘A Romantic Meal’ that my husband and I were invited to share!
They put flowers on the table, picked some herb salad from the garden, set out napkins and even put on some music for us to listen to. I do love my funny, creative kids!