New year, new projects, new play ideas, new fun! Here’s my guide on how to do an awesome new year review with your creative kids, so you head into 2016 with fabulous plans for creative learning.
How to do an awesome new year review with your creative kids
Quick resource >> Download your ready-made New Year Unit here
Setting a word of the year is a really effective way to create an intention with your children. You might like to make your own art words of the year, and we like to make a Word of the Year banner for our play room.
You can use these free New Year printables for a simple, fun way to review the old year and welcome in the new.
We use mind maps to plan all sorts of things: homeschool plans, seasonal activities, projects we want to work on. See how to use mindmaps with your children here.
A Vision Board is another creative way to plan your hopes and dreams for the year ahead. It’s perfect for visual thinkers and children who love to draw, cut and paste. Jean at The Artful Parent has a useful guide to making a vision board.
If you’re planning to add in more creative learning and art to your year in 2016, my Art Spark resources are just the thing!
These New Year Wish Fairies are a lovely creative way to send out good intentions for the coming year.
And this New Year Wishing Wand is fun to make and a good way to introduce young children to the idea of making plans.
To get ourselves organised for family life, blogging or homeschooling, Melissa at Mama Miss Designs has some great Year Planners that you can download. She painted the designs herself for the 2016 planners and they’re gorgeous.
If you’d like to interview your children to capture just what they love right now, Jamie at Hands On As We Grow has a free year end interview printable.
Happy New Year everyone! Here’s to a new year of colorful, creative projects!
Download your ready-made New Year thematic unit
Download your ready-made New Year thematic unit from the Play Academy and you’ll have everything you need to guide your children through a fun and thoughtful new year.
In this New Year Unit your children can:
:: learn about New Year celebrations and enjoy new year fizz sensory play
:: make a homemade calendar
:: complete their unique What A Year! journal page
:: make noise makers and fireworks
:: set New Year’s resolution goals
:: make a wishing wand or make a poster of their Word of the Year
Bonus New Year thematic unit printables
The Play Academy’s thematic units come with practical printables that make the lessons more engaging for your children and easier for you to teach.
No need to go searching for printables to accompany your lessons, they’re all included when you download your chosen unit.
In this New Year Unit you’ll receive these bonus printables:
:: a Draw Your Own Calendar
:: a What A Year! New Year Review poster / journal page
:: a New Year Colouring page
:: and New Year Goals printables
How to download your ready-made New Year Unit
You can download your ready-made New Year unit, along with over 50 more, from NurtureStore’s Play Academy.
If you are already of the Play Academy, you can download this unit straight away from our Library here.
If you are not yet a member, find out more and choose your first unit here. Your teaching is about to get a whole lot easier!

Download your 21 Day Winter Activities Countdown
Click here to get your copy of the Seasons School Winter Retreat 21 day activity program.
It's one part educational curriculum; one part seasonal celebration; one part family memory making.
:: over 70 pages of learning, activities, and printables
:: a complete twenty-one day program of nature, science, literacy, arts and crafts, sensory, and play
:: a planned idea for each day, with plenty of options for flexibility and choice
:: themed around the special words of the season, giving rhythm and ritual
:: follow as a daily countdown, or dip in and out through the winter season
:: material lists and bonus printables make it so easy for you
:: created with children aged 4 to 10 in mind

I’m having a hard time getting the goal setting part of this printable. It looks like both links lead to a year review download. We did these last year and loved it, so I am gathering my stuff for this year. if you could change the link for the page, I would be so grateful. Thank you, your website is such a blessing to my family!
Hi Jamie. Sorry about that! I’ve fixed the link now so the goal setting one is there to.