Head out and explore the new season! Use this autumn nature walk treasure hunt printable as your fall nature spotters guide.

Autumn nature walk treasure hunt printable
This pretty printable will turn your autumn nature walk into a fall treasure hunt.
It invites children to notice the changing elements of the season and to connect with the world around them.
The nature walk lets you make the outdoors your classroom, with prompts to read, write, and draw.

Autumn nature walk ideas
Nature walks are at the heart of my Seasons School nature study resources and of our family life. Nothing calms us, re-charges us, and connects us with our planet more than heading outdoors and walking.
You don’t always need a special theme for your walk – just get your kids out there! But having a theme or a focus can help kids to engage more with what’s around them, and gets them to look more closely at what nature offers.
Use my guide to easy nature walk ideas to enjoy getting out and about all year round, and try this autumn treasure hunt printable as part of your fall outdoor activities.

How to use the nature walk treasure hunt printable
Print the treasure hunt sheet (see below) on paper or card. There are two versions for UK and US English, so you’re covered whether you’re observing autumn or fall. (Simply select the page you want when you come to print.)
Give one copy to each child, or pair of kids, so they all have the guide to focus their walk.
I find it useful to pop the sheet on a clipboard to make it easy for children to write on.
You can also laminate them if you like to give you a sheet you can use again and again with wipeable markers.
You’ll need a pencil to complete the sheet, and adding coloured pens or pencils means your children will be able to add more detail to their drawings and colour in the illustrations.

An interactive printable
The autumn treasure hunt has been designed to be interactive! Children are given prompts to look closely at what’s around them: above and below, the big things and the little things.
There are spaces to draw your favourite leaf, and to press your paper against a tree trunk to take a bark rubbing . (You can use wax crayons for this.)
Children are invited to write, draw and tick off check boxes as they see and do things.
There’s a prompt to notice the changing colours of the leaves, and to look for seasonal berries and seeds – with space to add in any that are particular to your location.
And kids are encouraged to interact using their whole bodies: stamping through leaves, jumping over puddles, and snapping fallen twigs.

More nature printables
My nature journalling guide will show you how to create your own year-round nature journal, and give you printable pages you can include such as my nature journal sheets, and my guides to wild foods including blackberries and elderberries
And if you’d like a complete programme of activities for fall you can download the Seasons School Autumn Kit here.

Autumn leaf crafts
Gather some of those beautiful autumn leaves on your walk and use them for these lovely autumn leaf crafts:

How to download this printable
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Thank you for all these wonderful free printables! I cannot find this Autumn nature walk one in the free downloads. I am subscribed to your emails (and will most likely become a supporter soon).
Hi Jill. This one is in the Autumn Printables section of the Free Printables Library (rather than the Nature Printables section). If you scroll down through the library you’ll find the Autumn section near the bottom.