Set up a fun Valentine-theme literacy center with these free printable upper and lower case matching letter cards.
Upper lower case matching activity with free printable
In this Valentine-themed literacy center, children can:
:: work on alphabet skills
:: practice recognition of upper and lower case letters
:: develop visual discrimination
:: match upper and lower case letters
Materials needed:
:: free printable heart matching cards (see below for details on how to print)
:: scissors (to prepare the cards)
:: sensory writing tray (optional)
:: washing line and pegs (optional)
:: sticky magnet strip (optional)
Print the heart alphabet – see below for details on how to print. Print on card for extra durability and to avoid the need to laminate = better for the environment!
Cut each heart down the centre to split each card into an upper-case side and a lower-case side.
Can you mend the broken hearts by finding all the pairs of letters?
How to play
:: Shuffle the cards and lay them out face upwards. Invite your child to see if they can find the upper and lower case pairs and match them up to mend the broken hearts. If you like to compete, see if you can complete the alphabet faster than last time.
:: Place the cards face down and use them to play memory. Shuffle the cards and place them face downwards. Take turns to flip over two cards. If you reveal a matching pair, you get to keep them. If they don’t match, you place them back, face down. Keep playing until all the matching hearts have been found. If you like to compete, the person with the most matching pairs can be the winner. This game continues to work on matching skills, but also on visual memory skills too, as you try to remember which letters are hidden where.
:: You can add the letter cards to a Valentine sensory tub.
:: Use the cards alongside a ‘washing line’ of string and have the children peg up the matching pairs. Using clothes pegs/pins adds a fine motor skill exercise the the activity.
:: Use the letter cards alongside a writing tray and practice forming the letters.
:: Stick a piece of magnetic strip on the back of each card to make a set of letters cards you can use on the door of the fridge.
More literacy printables
Save time and add more play to your lessons by using NurtureStore’s free literacy printables.
:: rainbow alphabet matching game
:: Feed The Monster alphabet activity
:: Beginning word sounds digraph cards
More Valentine learning activities
Setting up lots of Valentines activities around your classroom? Try these ideas too:
:: fizzy science for Valentines day
:: and see our full archive of Valentine crafts and activities here
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