This homemade wall hanging is a simple Valentine craft that is easy to make, beautiful, and unique!
by Cathy James
This homemade wall hanging is a simple Valentine craft that is easy to make, beautiful, and unique!
by Cathy James
This snowman play dough mat printable is great for Christmas and winter sensory play.
by Cathy James
Inspired by the film we’re all crazy about, and packed with lots of sensory play and a dash of maths, here’s a frozen sensory tub that’s been a big hit with my daughter.
by Cathy James
Download our ready-made sensory lesson plans for an easy to teach, hands-on curriculum.
by Cathy James
Set up this ice excavation activity and invite your children to explore ice sensory play and see what treasures they can find!
by Cathy James
Welcome to the Play Academy podcast. Each episode will invite you to consider a topic essential to a great homeschool: to boost your skills and confidence, reflect on your family, and help you give your children exactly the kind of childhood and education you want them to have.