In this art and music activity for children we’ll look at famous art inspired by music and create our own art project in combination with different pieces of music.
by Cathy James
In this art and music activity for children we’ll look at famous art inspired by music and create our own art project in combination with different pieces of music.
by Cathy James
Try these easy homemade finger paint recipes for babies and toddlers and introduce your little ones to the wonderful world of sensory process art.
[Read more…]by Cathy James
Use this fantastic set of printable sea creatures alongside play dough to make an ocean small world for imaginative play.
[Read more…]by Cathy James
Here’s a super fun kids’ science experiment from the Tinkerlab book :: we’re making eggs that bounce!
by Cathy James
It’s easy to make a Valentine sensory tub for your toddler or preschooler, using things you have around the house. Follow these four simple steps to give your child lots of opportunity for sensory play, maths and imaginary play.
by Cathy James
Enjoy these Halloween play dough activities that help your children develop their language, imagination, and fine motor skills.