Download our ready-made sensory lesson plans for an easy to teach, hands-on curriculum.

Ready-made sensory lesson plans
You already know how important sensory play is to children. They’re sensory creatures so it makes complete sense that anything we want them to learn should be taught through hands-on activities, right?
Children shouldn’t spend every day sitting still, listening and filling in work sheets! That’s a sure way to switch them off from learning.
I know you already have lots of sensory play opportunities for the children in your care. Your passion for letting kids be hands-on is amazing!
Want to join me to take things a step further this year?
We can build our WHOLE curriculum around hands-on activities and sensory experiences.
We can use all five senses, work indoors and outdoors, with simple materials that give our children a rich, sensory education that’s full of math, literacy and science.
Did you know NurtureStore has a whole year of ready-made lesson plans that are all based on sensory learning?
You can access them all from our ad-free section of NurtureStore, called the Play Academy.
In this Play Academy area you’ll find a suite of ready-made sensory lessons, including:
:: using sensory tubs to explore colour, space and the Summer Solstice
:: sand play to learn about dinosaurs
:: five senses food tests for Diwali
:: shaving foam play in our Rainbows unit
:: fizzy experiments for Halloween
:: and a whole unit exploring play dough
You’ll also find all our other lesson plans are all built on hands-on sensory learning including units about:
:: Weather
:: Fractions
:: Time
:: Bees
:: Birds
:: Puppets
:: Space
:: a whole range of world festivals
Hands on means brains on!

Use our ready-made lesson plans to make your teaching inspiring – and easier!
If you’d like to extend your sensory lessons across the curriculum this year with my ready-made lesson plans, come and join us in the Play Academy.
You can follow my guided curricula pathways or choose your own units.
There are over 50 Units to choose from, so you’ll have more than enough resources for the whole year.
Everything is ready-made and comes with super useful printables that are easily accessed directly within each lesson plan – no hunting around needed!
And the site is completely ad-free and a delight to use.
Make your teaching fresher and easier by joining us in the Play Academy here.
this website is very nice
Thanks Feby!