This article is one of NurtureStore’s easy Christmas crafts for children and part of our Christmas activities and crafts.
Do you have a nativity scene your children can play with? Advent begins today and I know my girls will spend December dressing up as kings, reading Christmas story picture books and generally bursting into a round of Away In A Manger at any opportunity.
We have a beautiful nativity scene which decorates our sitting room each year but it is too delicate for the girls to play with, so this year we decided to make a version the girls can use. And you’ll probably guess what are figures are made of: paper rolls.
The figures were made by wrapping fabric and card around the tubes and glueing into place: a very simple design the girls can make with just a little adult help, and giving them their own nativity to play with to their hearts content.
More Christmas activities and crafts
See our full index of Christmas activities, lesson plans and crafts for even more great ideas.