Grow a snipping garden for your children so they have a year-round supply of natural loose parts for sensory and imaginative play in their garden classroom.
by Cathy James
Grow a snipping garden for your children so they have a year-round supply of natural loose parts for sensory and imaginative play in their garden classroom.
by Cathy James
Learn how to forage for foods in season in spring, how to identify wild garlic, and try this deliciously easy recipe for wild garlic pesto. Includes a free printable wild garlic nature journal page.
by Cathy James
Welcome to our complete resources for learning about eggs. Here you will find egg theme lesson plans for spring including egg math activities, egg-themed sensory play ideas, egg science experiments and free egg themed printables. You can follow the full programme over the course of a week, or dip in and out, to suit your needs.
by Cathy James
Combine my natural play dough recipe, loose parts, and a free bird puppet printable to explore how birds make nests, and enjoy some bird-themed sensory and imaginary play.
by Cathy James
Combine loose parts and play dough for a wonderful easter-themed invitation to play and create making loose-parts Easter eggs.
by Cathy James
Use this delightful storytelling tin to invite your children to create a bird small world with lots of language and imaginative play.