Celebrate the autumn season and fill your lessons with leaf-themed math activities! Use these free printable leaf number cards alongside my fall-themed math ideas.

Leaf number printable for fall math activities
When we include numbers in our child’s environment we’re helping them to get familiar with math concepts in a relaxed and playful way. They begin to notice numbers, get curious about what the symbols mean, and begin to use mathematical language.
Sometimes we might include math tools, such as these leaf cards, as loose parts which children can use in their play however they want to. By having number cards in a sensory tub, for example, we’re letting children become familiar with numbers in a relaxed, self-led, curious way. Listening in to this free-play is a great way to assess what they already know and which skills and concepts they’re working on.
And at other times we might use math tools to teach and practice specific skills. You’ll find ideas on how to use these leaf cards for more structured maths activities below.

How to use this printable
Print the leaf number sheets (see download instructions below) and cut out the individual cards.
You might like to laminate the cards for extra durability.

Leaf number activities
There are many ways to use the cards to support learning.
:: Use them to make a number line. Head here to see how to use a number line for math learning.
:: Use the leaf numbers to play matching games. Print two sets and see if you can match up the pairs of numbers.
:: Place two sets of the leaf numbers face down and use them to play Memory.
:: Hide the leaf numbers around the house or garden and see if your children can find them all and place them in numerical order, from small to big, and from big to small.
:: Hide the leaf numbers in a sensory tub. Adding counting cards in with your sensory play makes for a number-rich environment which supports children to recognise, be confident with, and use numbers. You can include them with our autumn sensory tub.
:: Use the leaf cards for sorting games, sorting between odd and even numbers.

:: Practice writing numbers in a writing tray. Set out your leaf number cards with an autumn sensory writing tray and invite your children to copy the form of each digit.

More leaf activities
Try these leaf activities from NurtureStore’s autumn archive:
Download my complete autumn curriculum here

How to download this printable
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