How to make an easy autumn sensory tub with natural materials.

Easy autumn sensory tub with natural loose parts
Watch our Sensory Tub Masterclass
Click to play on the video above to see our sensory tub masterclass. You’ll learn how to make a sensory tub for your children using simple materials, the benefits of sensory tubs for children, and how to use a sensory tub to teach children about math, literacy, science and fine motor skills.
You’ll also see lots of ideas for sensory tub fillings plus find out how to get great printables to add to your tubs. Subscribe to NurtureStore’s YouTube channel to get more sensory play videos!
Using all the materials we gathered in our treasure bags on our autumn scavenger hunt, today we made a sensory tub.
Sensory tubs are wonderful for young children to play with and at this time of year Mother Nature provides lots of ingredients to use which invite children to explore colours, textures and sounds.
We filled our tub with dry crisp leaves, sticks, acorns, conkers, fircones, seeds.

We invited some squirrels to come along and play. The children soon had the animals chatting to each other and building nests. I told them I’d hidden twenty acorns in the tub and asked the squirrels if they could find them all.

Did you notice how this squirrel is so neat and organised, with all its store of food so carefully sorted? (If only this child’s bedroom was to tidy.)

And look how hard this hedgehog is toiling to bring its leaf wheelbarrow of goodies home to its family – with a leaf umbrella to shelter help from the rain.

Everything you need for autumn learning, all in one place
:: over 75 engaging activities and lesson plans that your children will love
:: 50 pages of printables that make teaching so easy
:: weeks worth of learning all planned for you, to take you right through the season

I think we’re going hiking next week to look for nature items. I’m pretty sure I’ll be able to find acorns this time of year but California is so behind when it comes to fall. Most of the time fall doesn’t really hit until late November! It’s a bit frustrating!
Rachele, It’s drab and grey here today, so I wouldn’t mind a bit of Cali weather.
Love this! Why buy toys when you can find them right in your own backyard!
All these Autumn ideas are fantastic. Pity it’s Spring here in Sydney… and even when it is Autumn in Sydney, our climate doesn’t produce those lovely autumn colours. Sigh… we have good beaches though. I guess that’ll do 🙂
Cute! If you are interested I just started a linky for sensory bins at – I’d love for you to link up =-)
Wow, that is brilliant! so cute! Thanks for linking up to Fun Sparks.
It appears that you have some buckeyes or horse chestnuts. Includes are poisonous. I don’t know about horse chestnuts.