Here’s a lovely collection of Christian Advent crafts for children that you can use in your class, family, Sunday School or children’s ministries.

Christian Advent crafts for children
From the Advent activities section of our rich resource of world festival lesson plans and activities, please enjoy using these Christian Advent crafts with your children.
In this article you will find:
:: creative, hands-on craft activities that children can easily make, using basic craft materials
:: ideas for Advent wreath crafts
:: Nativity scene crafts and a ‘Write your own Nativity story’ printable book
:: ideas for angel crafts

Easy Advent wreath crafts children can make
Use this simple guide to explain what Advent is to your children. It introduces what Advent is and how it is celebrated.
Then to make your own Advent wreath you can choose from:
:: this colour-in and cut-out printable Advent wreath
:: or this guide that shows you how to make an Advent wreath with candle holders that can hold real candles
Nativity crafts for children
Your children can make their own crib scene using our colour-in printable Nativity characters.
You can use the Nativity set as a display, to re-tell the Nativity story, or for your children to play with.

Easy angel crafts
To remember the angels sharing the new of Jesus to Mary and to the shepherds, you might like to make an angel craft.
Our angels are simple to make, use only basic craft materials and can be decorated by each child to make a unique and beautiful angel. Choose from:
:: how to make a paper plate angel
:: how to make a paper roll angel

Make a Nativity book with Bible verse printables
And each child can make their own Nativity story using our printable Nativity book.
Begin by reading our child-friendly version of the Nativity story.
You might also like to use our printable Nativity Bible verses to read and perhaps memorise.
Then each child can draw and write a re-cap of the story using our free printable Nativity book.
More Advent crafts and activities
See all our Advent crafts and activities here, including how to make and Advent calendar, printable colour-in Advent wreath and our Nativity teaching resources.