Here’s our simple homeschool room for tweens. Come on in, take a tour, and I’ll share some ideas I’ve learned about creative rooms for kids that are pretty, practical and inspire creativity.

by Cathy James
Here’s our simple homeschool room for tweens. Come on in, take a tour, and I’ll share some ideas I’ve learned about creative rooms for kids that are pretty, practical and inspire creativity.
by Cathy James
Three to Five: playful preschool equips you with a wealth of easy activities that you can use to help your child learn through hands-on explorations.
It guides you through math, language, science, art, and play, showing you how to provide an engaging, age-appropriate curriculum that your children will love.
This ebook is an excellent resource for you whether you are at home, in a childcare setting, or in a preschool.
The ideas in the ebook are adaptable, with lots of suggestions for ways to extend the learning, and to include slightly younger or older children.
Get your copy for only $8.99 and you’re all set for a wonderful preschool year!
Three to Five: playful preschool will show you how to explore and learn across the curriculum, giving your child a rich and interesting learning environment, including:
:: math – with counting cards, sorting games, block tower printables, shape puzzles, and activities that explore size and patterns
:: language – with ideas for mark making, sensory letter activities, book explorations, conversation starters, sticker bag stories, and a ‘my first journal’ printable
:: sensory – with ideas including water play, play dough and oobleck
:: fine motor skills – including lacing, loose parts, and block play
:: imagination – with a fun play town printable
:: creativity – with invitations to explore collage, printmaking, and painting
:: science – with force experiments and a guide to nature discovery centers
You will also receive a fantastic set of printable resources including:
And as an added extra, the ebook includes links to over 50 more activities that focus on hands-on, playful learning for preschoolers – giving you a huge set of resources, all in one place.
by Cathy James
I’m using these five guiding principles as my manifesto of how to raise happy kids this year.
by Cathy James
I’ll guide you through four weeks of beautiful and fun art projects that you can enjoy with your children. At home or at school, these process art projects will give you an interesting framework of activities that you can weave into your weeks, so your children are engaged, creating and enjoying themselves all through art. See more details of Art Spark here.
This extract from my new book Nurture Art looks at the benefits of process art for children. There’s a free poster and links to more process art resources that you can use with your children to help them explore art and exercise their creative muscles.
by Cathy James
The messiest, most popular program of outdoor and process art to use at home or at school. Welcome to Art Camp!
by Cathy James
Get to know the Earth with these geo-literacy world map activities for kids with a global perspective.