Here’s a super fun outdoor art idea from the Just So Festival: using water pistols for spray painting!
by Cathy James
Here’s a super fun outdoor art idea from the Just So Festival: using water pistols for spray painting!
by Cathy James
Add a burst of summer sunshine to your sensory play with this idea for how to make scented paint.
by Cathy James
After our garden audit we’re gearing up to make more use of our outdoor space now the summer is on the way. Here are five quick and easy ideas we’re using to take our literacy outside.
by Cathy James
“Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful.” So said William Morris, and this flower number line scores full marks, being a a great way for children to learn about number patterns and relationships – and also looking absolutely lovely! Here’s how to make one, and how to play some number line games.
by Cathy James
Please welcome another of our super guest writers to NurtureStore. Today Stephanie from Twodaloo is bringing us a gorgeous toddler craft idea where the process of making it is just a fabulous as the finished product: a wonderful toddler-created clay pot garden sculpture.
by Cathy James
Gardening with kids gives them so many opportunities to learn things. There are obvious subject areas such as science and nature studies of course, but there are also life lessons to be learnt. What you grow can teach a lot about your attitude to life – to creativity and challenge and risk taking! Here’s why in amongst the carrots and onions we always grow a wild card.