There’s not really any great mystery about how to plant seeds with kids, but these tips and tricks will give you lots of extra play and learning ideas to make the most of your spring planting.
by Cathy James
There’s not really any great mystery about how to plant seeds with kids, but these tips and tricks will give you lots of extra play and learning ideas to make the most of your spring planting.
by Cathy James
These flower number games are inspired by spring. You can adapt them for different aged children, and use them for both math games and letter activities. Here’s how to play.
by Cathy James
This ice art idea turned out to be such a great winter craft idea – my girls loved it so much! It combines messy play, creative art and science experiments all in one colourful activity.
by Cathy James
by Cathy James
Day three of fairy week, and today I’ll show you how we made an imaginary play fairy land.
by Cathy James
Welcome to day nine of our Stay at Home, Screen Free Activities Programme, where today we’re sharing nature walk ideas.
Read on for ideas for observing the seasons and using your walk as a springboard into art, craft, and sensory play.