Welcome to build a den day! If you’re following along with our stay-at-home, screen-free activities, get ready for some construction.
by Cathy James
Welcome to build a den day! If you’re following along with our stay-at-home, screen-free activities, get ready for some construction.
by Cathy James
This easy kids fort for the backyard is a super space for kids to play in. It’s really easy and inexpensive to make, and is such a fun base for playing, relaxing and reading. Here’s how to make it, along with some extra ideas to fill it full of play and learning.
by Cathy James
by Cathy James
We’re mid-way through our special series on activities for toddlers. If you’ve been following along with us you’ll have already seen our ideas for sensory play, arts and craft and math games. Today we’re all about imaginary play, with ideas for setting up a shop, going camping in your playroom, and hosting a posh tea party. We also have ideas for children who love dinosaurs, pirates and dens.
by Cathy James
Download your copy of Up! here: 30+ hands-on projects that explore blocks, building, rockets, air planes, parachutes, pulleys and everything Up! Includes 100 printables
A strange new habitat has appeared in our playroom – what could it be?
Secret surveillance cameras reveal signs of life – glimpses of the wild creatures inside.
Special cameras attached to the animals allow us to penetrate deep into the burrow, where no adults may enter.
The footage reveals that, deep underground, these creatures like to play…
…and sleep in four poster beds.
B says ‘playing dens is our favourite thing ever’. I say a whole day’s worth of happy, imaginative play is well worth having a messy room to tidy.
by Cathy James