Did any of your Christmas presents come in a big cardboard box? Lucky you! Why not turn it into a play house or a story box?
Christmas card games
Use your Christmas cards to play with these ideas for Christmas card jigsaws and a Christmas card memory game.
Happy Christmas!
Happy Christmas from NurtureStore!
We hope you have a wonderful time celebrating with your children.
Thank you so much for reading along with us this year. We love reading all your comments and had enjoyed all the posts you have linked up to our Play Academy. We’re looking forward to lots more play in 2011!
with love from Cathy, B and L xxx
We’ll be back next week with some ideas for making the most of your left-over wrapping paper and Christmas cards, as well as ideas for making thank you cards.
Enjoy your festivities!
Reindeer food and Christmas Tree cookies
QUICK RESOURCE >> Download your ready-made Nativity Unit here
Are you all ready for Christmas? I hope you’ve remembered to whizz up some reindeer food! And you know Father Christmas likes a little snack too.
These gingerbread Christmas trees are perfect and the children can keep busy decorating them while you get on with your last minute preparations.
Download your ready-made Nativity Unit
Download the Play Academy’s ready-made Nativity Unit and you’ll have everything you need to lead a set of activities to introduce your children to the Nativity story.
This Unit includes artist-drawn puppets/colour-in nativity scene characters and printable Bible verse cards, that your children can use year after year.
In this Nativity teaching unit your children can:
:: learn about the Nativity and create their own Nativity book or small world scene using colour-in puppet / nativity scene characters
:: learn about Mary and Joseph’s journey, and explore junk modelling
:: learn about the shepherds role, and explore loose parts
:: learn about Jesus’ birth
:: learn about the three wise men, and complete their book / re-tell the story in their small world

Bonus Nativity thematic unit printables
The Play Academy’s thematic units come with practical printables that make the lessons more engaging for your children and easier for you to teach.
No need to go searching for printables to accompany your lessons, they’re all included when you download your chosen unit.
In this Nativity Unit you’ll receive these bonus printables:
:: My Nativity Story book to write, colour and complete to tell the Nativity story
:: a set of artist-drawn My Nativity Puppets to colour, cut out and use to re-cap and act out the Nativity story
:: Nativity Vocabulary Cards to recap and consolidate learning
:: Nativity Bible Verse Cards to read, narrate your own acting out of the story, and perhaps to memorise
How to download this Nativity thematic unit
You can download this unit along with over 50 more from NurtureStore’s Play Academy.
If you are already of the Play Academy, you can download this unit straight away from our Library here.
If you are not yet a member, find out more and choose your first unit here. Your teaching is about to get a whole lot easier!
Go play! Showcase: Artful Adventures
This week’s Go Play! Showcase features the wonderful, creative ideas from Jude of Artful Adventures
Tell us about yourself
I am an artist and mum to two small boys. As long as I can remember, I have always loved drawing and making things. I studied Fine Art at university and have spent most of my career since then working in museums, galleries and historic houses, before giving it all up to look after my family. I am now trying to re-establish my artistic roots, and grow my business Artful Kids, which aims to create unique personalised wall-art by presenting children’s own artwork at it’s very best. My blog, Artful Adventures, started off life originally as a business blog, but has since developed something of an independent life of it’s own. It is dedicated to children’s art and includes creative projects, features, reviews and anything else which I think my readers might be interested in.
What’s your play philosophy?
When it comes to creative play especially, (though I suppose most play might be described as being creative) I believe that you should never impose or interfere too much. Even though I love creative activities, if my 2 boys don’t want to take part I don’t push them to do so, though I do make sure I provide them with plenty of opportunities.
I believe that children should be encouraged to have their own ideas, to explore and experiment. Children should be allowed to take the lead as far as possible – adults are there to help, encourage and facilitate. In art especially there is no right or wrong, and everyone needs to find their own approach. It can be very tempting sometimes to interfere if a child is not doing something quite as you planned it, but it is an impulse that I think it’s important to resist. I also think it’s important not to be too afraid of mess. Messy play is good – just try and control it as much as possible for your own sanity.
Inspire us!
This is a simple way of displaying children’s artwork, cheaply and effectively – it also means you can recycle some old boxes.
Valuing and Using Kids’ Artwork
Easy ways of re-using some of the piles of children’s artwork that you collect if, like me, you find it difficult to throw away!
Simple Play planning chart
See all the posts in the Simple Play :: complex learning series
Remember to keep it simple!
You don’t have to plan the whole month in advance.
You don’t need to plan something for every single day.
You don’t need to cover every type of play activity, every month of the year.
Focus on your child, and your circumstances.
Make a commitment to play more, follow your child’s interests, and take it from there.
Happy playtimes!
Cathy @ NurtureStore
How to download the printable
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