See all the posts in the Simple Play :: complex learning series
Remember to keep it simple!
You don’t have to plan the whole month in advance.
You don’t need to plan something for every single day.
You don’t need to cover every type of play activity, every month of the year.
Focus on your child, and your circumstances.
Make a commitment to play more, follow your child’s interests, and take it from there.
Happy playtimes!
Cathy @ NurtureStore
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I would love a copy of the planner
Yes I would love a copy of the planner. thanks.
I LOVE the calendar planner thanks so much- it’s just what I needed. And super simple and easy!
Great! Glad you like it Gypsy.
i would like to have this one also..
Hi Sharleen. If you click on the image above you’ll be able to print a copy.