Learn about the Autumn Equinox with this five-day autumn homeschool unit, complete with printables.

Autumn Equinox Unit
This Autumn Equinox Unit gives you a five-day programme of lessons to learn about and celebrate the equinox with your children.
This unit is the third week of our free Homeschool Curriculum and is the first of our nature study weeks.
You’ll find ideas for:
:: learning why we have seasons and what the equinox is
:: arts and crafts to make a leaf wreath, crown, candle holders and lanterns
:: an I Spy Autumn / Fall nature hunt complete with printable interactive journal page
:: learning about the foods that are in season with easy recipes for apple crumble, blackberry jam and sunflower seed cookies
Download this unit and printables
This Autumn Equinox Unit is available as a pack you can download and print out. You’ll get all the lessons, activities and all the printables.
Click here to download a copy of this Unit for free (Play Academy members only) – to become a Play Academy member click here.

Day one :: learn about the equinox
Learn about the equinox and make leaf prints.

Day two :: make a wreath or crown
Turn your leaf prints into a wreath or leaf crown.

Day three :: I Spy Autumn walk
Go on a nature walk and hunt for signs of the autumn.

Day four :: candle holders and lanterns
Make jam jar candle holders or paper lanterns

Day five :: eat the season
Use seasonal foods to make a feast. Try apple crumble, sunflower seed cookies, or blackbery jam.

Free homeschool curriculum
NurtureStore, your teaching fairy godmother, gives you a complete, year-round programme of all-planned-and-prepped-for-you home education units.
This unit is just one week of my amazing Free Homeschool Curriculum that you can use any week of the year with your children.
With 52 units to choose from, following the themes of the year and giving you one all-planned-and-prepped-for-you educational activity a day, this curriculum is so fun, practical and helpful.
Click here to see my Free Homeschool Curriculum and start using it with your children!