Learning to use scissors can take lots of practise. We can incorporate scissor skills as part of our every day activities, such as helping to chop herbs to go with our dinner, or include them in our play and learning activities. Here’s a collection of ideas you can use to encourage your child to work on their scissor skills through art, craft, math, and sensory invitations to play.
12 fun scissor skills activities
Try a scissor skills activity with flowers
Learning cutting skills with jelly sensory play
Snip drinking straws to create contact paper pictures
Explore circles and make mandalas
Take the Cut :: Stick :: Draw art challenge
Practise scissor skills by cutting play dough
More ideas for hands-on, playful learning
For more fun ideas that help children learn important skills through hands-on, creative play click through to see our Three to Five :: Playful Preschool resources.