Join in with these garden activities for November as we tidy up for the winter, learn about our featured plant, the hawthorn, and borrow a fun activity from our forest school lessons.

Garden activities for November
Welcome to our garden classroom! This post is part of our Kids Gardening Activities. You can use our month-by-month garden guides for your school gardening club, community garden or at home with your family and I’ll show you what to plant, harvest, do, make and learn each month of the year. You will also find more ideas and inspiration in my book, The Garden Classroom.
Here’s my guide for what to do in the garden in November.
#1 What to plant in November
Plant some winter salad leaves indoors, such as mizuna and spinach. Bare roots trees such as apple and pear can also be planted this month.
#2 Gather leaves for mulch
In this month of ‘fall’, gather up all the falling leaves ready to feed your garden in spring. Place all the leaves in a compost bag or bin, water well, and leave them to break down over the winter in to leaf mulch.

#3 Tool cleaning
One of the final chores for the year can happen in November as you clean, oil, and repair any tools before you store them away over winter. Come spring, when you’re busy with seed planting, you’ll be glad you did this job this month.
#4 What to harvest in November
Leeks, carrots, cauliflower, beetroot, turnips, swedes and Brussel’s sprouts can all be harvested in the UK in November.

#5 Leaf symmetry lesson
Explore math in the garden this month with our leaf symmetry lesson.

#6 Hawthorn study
Use this foraging guide for children to learn how to identify hawthorn and try these easy hawthorn recipes. They’re at their best after the first frost.
#7 10 things in 10 minutes
And borrow an activity from our Forest School activities this month with this ten things in ten minutes investigation.

#8 Get The Garden Classroom guide
My book The Garden Classroom is bursting with ideas you can use to make the most of the math, science, literacy, art and play waiting for you outdoors. This is your go-to book to give your children a connection with nature, and is full of creative ways to use the garden to inspire learning. See more and get your copy here.