Join us in our garden activities for December as we celebrate the Winter Solstice and start to plan for the new year.
Garden activities for December
Welcome to our garden classroom! This post is part of our Kids Gardening Activities. You can use our month-by-month garden guides for your school gardening club, community garden or at home with your family and I’ll show you what to plant, harvest, do, make and learn each month of the year. You will also find more ideas and inspiration in my book, The Garden Classroom.
Here’s my guide for what to do in the garden in December.
#1 What to plant in December
Although the garden looks like it’s sleeping, there are still things you can plant in December. This month is a good time to plant bare-root trees. You can get ahead for spring and plant broad beans, ready for a harvest in May. And you might like to follow tradition and sow your onion seeds on Boxing Day, the day after Christmas Day, on 26th December.
#2 Make plans
Now is a great time to stay warm indoors, grab a cuppa, and get planning for the year ahead. What went well last year? What would you like to add this year? How much space do you have and when should you order seeds? Use my guide on how to plan your garden classroom and check out my top ten plants to grow with children.
#3 Order seeds
Once you’ve decided which plants to grow this year – not forgetting to include a wild card! – this month is a good time to think about how you are going to source seeds. Start by checking on the seeds you harvested in the autumn to check they are storing well. Review previously purchased packets to see if they are still in date (and therefore likely to have good germination rates this coming year). To acquire extra seeds, ask around first: your school community, neighbours and local stores might all have things they can donate. You could organise a seed swap.
#4 What to harvest in December
Here in the UK, foods that are harvested in December include kale, Brussels’ sprouts, winter cabbage, parsnips and leeks.
#5 Celebrate the Winter Solstice
Use our ideas to celebrate the winter solstice with your children through art, craft, food and ritual.
#6 Campfire food
A lovely way to keep warm and build community in the cold months is to gather around a campfire. Even better is to enjoy a warm drink or a tasty treat together. Here’s a great collection of ideas for campfire food that you can cook with children out in your outdoor classroom.
#7 Get The Garden Classroom guide
My book The Garden Classroom is bursting with ideas you can use to make the most of the math, science, literacy, art and play waiting for you outdoors. This is your go-to book to give your children a connection with nature, and is full of creative ways to use the garden to inspire learning. See more and get your copy here.
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