Celebrate the Winter Solstice with children with these cosy winter craft and activities.
How to celebrate the winter solstice with children
The winter solstice occurs on December 21st this year for those of us in the northern hemisphere. (Readers in the south can find ideas to celebrate the summer solstice here.)
The word solstice comes from the Latin words sol, which means sun, and sistere, which means to stand still.

Pieter Bruegel the Elder – Hunters in the Snow (Winter) – in the public domain
The winter solstice is our shortest day, when we have fewer hours of daylight than on any other day of the year.
It’s when the tilt of the Earth is most inclined away from our star, the sun, and it marks the beginning of winter.
The solstice has been an important ritual, across cultures, for thousands of years.
The winter solstice is celebrated worldwide with feasts and festivals. It is a time to rest, get cosy, and renew yourself for another year. Many people use it as a time to let go of things that no longer serve them, and to make new plans for the new year.
It is a great time to focus on the natural world and re-connect yourself with the planet.
Ideas to celebrate the Winter Solstice with children
Here are some ideas you can use to learn about the sun and celebrate the winter solstice with your children:
What is the Winter Solstice? for children
Use this simple explanation of what a solstice is to introduce your children to the Winter Solstice.
Winter Solstice activities and crafts for children
Enjoy these winter crafts, art projects, recipes and activities to celebrate the winter solstice with your children.