Enjoy these easy sensory play activities for Halloween, including sensory tubs, messy play goop, and monstrous play dough.

Easy sensory play activities for Halloween
Add some holiday fun to your sensory play activities with these ideas for Halloween-themed messy play.
You can build a rich programme of learning with all our Halloween resources in our Festivals lesson plans and activities guide.
In this article you will find:
:: fine motor skills activities using pumpkins and play dough
:: Halloween play dough recipes and printable play mats
:: Halloween sensory tubs using waterbeads or jello/jelly
:: a sense of taste activity making smoothie potions
:: recipes for homemade Halloween play dough and goop

The Super Fun, Not Scary Halloween book
Save time and teach better by using The Super Fun, Not Scary, Halloween book.
You’ll get a complete set of lesson plans to learn about this festival and a collection of activities, arts, and crafts all planned for you: instant download, printables included, no prep needed, and all ad free.
See more details of the Super Fun, Not Scary, Halloween book here.

Ready-made Halloween Unit
If you’re a member of our Play Academy you can download a ready-made five day Halloween Unit and you’ll be ready to lead a week of fun and educational Halloween activities with your children.
This Unit is part of our Festivals specialist curriculum pathway, and is a part of a set of ready-made units you can use to teach your children about the festivals of the world all through the year. Based on the teaching philosophy of hands-on learning, the Play Academy festivals curriculum is engaging, effective and loved by children.
See more details of the Play Academy and choose your first Unit here.

Halloween sensory messy play activities
Fine motor activity with pumpkins
This is a super fun and messy fine motor skill activity with pumpkins. It’s the perfect Halloween finger gym!
Halloween fine motor skill finger gym
This is the perfect fine motor skill finger gym for Halloween. We’re making play dough monsters!
Pumpkin play dough mat
This cute pumpkin play dough play mat printable is perfect for autumn and Halloween.
Halloween messy play with goop oobleck
Try this easy recipe for goop, also know as oobleck, for some glorious Halloween messy play.
Spider scissor skills printable cutting sheets
Use these spider scissor skills printable cutting cards to set up a Halloween-themed cutting centre. Great for fine motor skills!
Halloween sensory tub
Make this Halloween sensory tub with waterbeads, or try my other sensory tub filler suggestions. Add in the pumpkin letter printable for great literacy-themed sensory play.
Smoothie making lesson for kids
This smoothie making lesson for kids invites children to read, write, make choices and taste new flavours as they create their very own smoothie recipe. It’s the perfect Halloween potion activity for your class party!
Halloween messy play – jello sensory tub
A super fun idea for Halloween messy play – how to make a jello sensory tub!
Spider play dough mat printable
This fun spider play dough play mat printable is perfect for Halloween sensory play. As children play they can chat about their spider and they’ll be building their fine motor skills too.

More Halloween activities for children
For more great ideas to learn about and celebrate Halloween with your children, including pumpkin games and science experiments, see our full index of Halloween crafts and activities for children.