Welcome to five days of learning using small worlds. Use these ideas with your children to develop a wonderful, in-depth week of imaginative, language-rich play.
Welcome to five days of learning using small worlds. Use these ideas with your children to develop a wonderful, in-depth week of imaginative, language-rich play.
Welcome to our puppet unit lesson plans. Over five days we’re boosting language, storytelling, and creative skills as we make puppets, a set and props to host our own puppet show.
NurtureStore hosts regular themed weeks of creative learning activities, giving you ideas, lesson plans, and printables all year round.
This week our focus is on puppets, which is such a wonderful theme for children to explore. Puppets are so versatile: they can be made from almost anything and used to develop many skills and interests.
Play dough is a great material for sensory play, but have you ever used it for storytelling? Here’s an idea for combining playdough and fairy tales.
Free playdough printables? Yes please! These printable play mats are a wonderful addition to play dough. You can use them as an invitation to play, giving your children a spark of an idea which they can them make their own.
Print these space play dough play mats and add hands-on, imaginative play to your space-themed lessons.
Perfect for knights, kings and queens, princess and princesses, dragon fans, and if you’re learning about castles – print your castle play mat here!