Here are ten simple water play ideas that you could try with your children.
by Cathy James
Here are ten simple water play ideas that you could try with your children.
by Cathy James
For day three of our at-home, screen free activities series, we’re taking a cue from a report in the US that opportunities for art can have a dramatic and positive effect on children’s academic performance, and we’re all about: paint!
by Cathy James
Glue is a wonderful sensory material for children to explore, and a springboard into all sorts of art, making and experiments. Take a look at our glue activities, and join in with the play.
by Cathy James
Making puppets with children is a springboard into art, story telling, role play and lots of language practise. Here are some great ideas you can use to make and play with puppets.
by Cathy James
Take a book, any book, but preferably a favourite, and bring it to life for a day of creative play with these story book activities.
by Cathy James
Day sixteen of our Stay at Home, Screen Free Activities Programme is all about cool things to do with a big roll of paper.