Transform your block play with Up!
100+ Learning with LEGO® activities
How can you use LEGO® to teach math, spelling, science and art? This resource of over 100 LEGO® activities for kids will show you how, with ideas for using LEGO® bricks for learning right across the curriculum.
100+ Learning with LEGO® activities
Tower building challenge – engineering with nature
Today we’re engineering with nature as Darla from The Preschool Toolbox joins our ABCs and 123s series with a tower building challenge.
Tower building challenge – engineering with nature
Frozen activities : make your own ice palace
I see many frozen activities in our future! My daughter hasn’t even seen the whole film yet and she’s already hooked. Here’s her guide to making your own frozen ice palace, for lots of sensory play and imaginary storytelling.
Frozen activities: make your own ice palace [Read more…]
Weaving a den for imaginary play
Please give a warm welcome to The Fairy and the Frog, who is joining us today to share a lovely idea that combines creative and imaginary play with construction skills: weaving a den!